ForexMorningTrade System

Hi Guys
New on FMT old in Fx...
GMT/FMT : do it simple !
What is London time ?
Ok got it ?
Now if you had read all official stuff about FMT you should know that FMT"works" minus 1h30 before London Time...
That's all..
Forget about GMT, Dubai time or Fidji time (with no offense!)
My 2 c

How can you forget GMT time? If you read the manual the rules state that it is 5.30 GMT when trade entry time starts... You can't have it both ways.
Right Jonjo..
Then go to the Manual of FMT manual trading. Go to page 11
Read the blue part titled Trading Time Explained
"As I said we need to enter 1 and half hour before London Markets opens... " etc
No me but Marc Frick...
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Why not just put a clock on your taskbar that gives London time. Being in the UK, I have NY, Singapore, Tokyo and Sydney. Stops me being 😕
Well, well, well
a/ Your brooker is Gmt = London time now = FMT starts at 6h30 for GU (08h00-01h30)
b/ your brooker is not Gmt 1/ find wht is the difference : for me FXDD =+3 h
Then i add 06h30 FMT London + Fxxd time :+3 = 09h30. Point.
Hasta luego
I found when I set the time to 09:30 on FMT for FXDD. The candles were 1 hour into the blue indicator, so I left it at 08:30 and it traded on time last night.
This is highly amusing! Come one guys, how hard can it be!? The EA needs to trade at 6:30am GMT (London Time). So google 'London Time', work out how many hours until 6:30 and adjust your EA and Indicator accordingly! Its not that hard! Thank God some of you people aren't working for a living if you can't even figure this out!
Like I said, when I set it to the recommended time for FXDD eastern time. What I mentioned earlier happened. So I guess the time is unchanged. Because it traded on time.
I'm thinking about trading an hour earlier anyway for this week. Here in North America, times will re-adjust automatically in a few days. Backtest prove to be profitable without readjusting settings, so I think I may trade at 5:30GMT for the rest of the week. When NA brokers shift times on Sunday, this will automatically change to 6:30GMT. ie. when in doubt... leave the EA alone.
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Johnco just hasn't changed his indicator time thats all... that will also need to be changed along with the ea's time.
We need to enter at 6:30am London time
For FXDD malta (which is GMT +3) -
London time is now GMT time.
so its 6:30am +3
= 9:30 am
in the case of daylight savings
London is GMT+1 and 6:30am is 5:30 GMT
5:30am GMT is 8:30am FXDD time
(because FXDD is GMT +3)

Hope that clears things up 🙂
This is highly amusing! Come one guys, how hard can it be!? The EA needs to trade at 6:30am GMT (London Time). So google 'London Time', work out how many hours until 6:30 and adjust your EA and Indicator accordingly! Its not that hard! Thank God some of you people aren't working for a living if you can't even figure this out!

Ok, very simple: Current London open is at 4:00 A.M Eastern. Remember it WAS 3:00 A.m

Figure out when 4:00 A.M is on your broker. Go back 1 and a half hrs back from that and your EA is set there.
Or, just look at your settings from last week and move all settings up by ONE hour. If your broker moves up or back, doesn't matter. Just see which bar on your broker is 8:00 GMT or 4:00 eastern or whatever your time zone is and set your your EA from that. :whistling
Who knew telling time could be so difficult??😡
To be clear for Alpari-US, server is GMT +1 and London is GMT. London open is 8:00.
Hour and a half prior to London open is 6:30, +1 = 7:30. So, no change due to DST ending in Europe before US because Alpari-US server is GMT +1 and has nothing to do with any time shifts in the US.👍
Please GENTEL MEN, when times come for the first trade, just inform us here so we can adjust our EA and indicator.

Thank you
Ok don't worry about daylight saving time or what time your broker says it is. Its coming up to 5am UK time.... So there is just over an hour and a half until you should trade. So in after 10 mins there should be 6 more 15 min bars before we open a trade 🙂
I know most of you may be following the script, but for this week I am in 1 hour early like right now...long at 1.60620. I am sure it is a better entry than you will get in 1 hour from now 🙂
Here is a copy of the clock indicator with the London winter time adjustment. GMT and London time should be the same until next summer.

