Forex Day Trader's Thread

I live about forty miles west of Fort Worth. Actually my dad is the one who got me into trading. He still has not done anything with it but that's just the way he is. A shoulda, coulda, woulda type for the most part. I hope some day he snaps out of it. He is sharp and would be really good if he would just get past himself. Oh well that's true for most.
The wonders of divorce have keep me from going live for the last year and a half. I am just getting to the place where I will have the time/money to go live, again.👍
Dallas huh?? is it true y'all have 3 eyes and an extra chromosome?? :cheesy:

sorry it's the Houston Chronicle propaganda about Dallas talking .. 😆😆

for those who don't understand .. there's two mega-cities in TX competing for just about everything .. imagine Scotland vs. England.. we're taught from an early age to bash anything Dallas related including the football team 👎 but secretly love them.. nobody from a city with an actual green pollution cloud (Houston makes most of the gasoline for the USA) hanging over it has room to talk 😀

well man.. good luck with the ex-wife .. mine died in 2005 so I'm a 34 year old spinster now .. 😢 You hiding assets or just lacking capital to start again?? make some bad moves back in the day??
No not dallas...FORT WORTH.
For those who don't understand...Cowtown(Fort Worth) hates the fact that when you say anything north Texas everyone automatically says Dallas.🙄
Fort Worth is a much nicer place to live than Dallas. Has less crime, pollution, and traffic. Why all that stuff is getting so bad in Dallas it's almost as bad as Houston.
Oh and just for the record, our Six Flags is better than yours!😛
I will give you guys a nod for that creepy Sam Houston statue out in the middle of nowhere just off the highway. First time I saw it was at night and it caught me off guard.(It kinda looks like it glows in the dark).

Very sorry to hear about you wife.🙁

No, not much left after the fact. I get to start from scratch. YEAH!:clap:
Oh, back in the day I blew a "few" accounts before I started to figure myself out. Just when It started to get good things started to get bad, with the ex.
How long have you been trading live?
Excellent response.. 😆

Why all that stuff is getting so bad in Dallas it's almost as bad as Houston.

how dare you sir?? I'll have you know that we poison more wildlife before 9AM than you do all year! People in the industrial provinces of China wonder how we can continue living.. You're just jealous as usual that people in China have even heard of us cuz of that movie with Tom Hanks and Yao Ming from the Rockets.. Your 70s TV series fame is wearing off and y'all are beginning to panic.. You even lower yourselves far enough to associate with Oklahomans.. and this is a group of people who can't boil water because they lost the recipe.. Get a hold of yourselves please!!
oh and I've been trading live for almost 3 years.. I'm a computer scientist turned career trader.. Wiped out plenty of accounts, only trade Forex.. I use 6 accounts with $10,000 in each across 3 brokers in order to execute extremely high-value, unlikely to execute trade scenarios.. USD/JPY 83 long/ 73 s/l 130 t/p for example.. This is my bread and butter.. ultimately, you treat one account as one trade.. put 30% of the account going in the direction you think the price will go (slowly escalated) .. never take a stop loss but use 60% of the account to hedge in the opposite direction in case of catastrophic movement against you.. Do not bank the loss when you breakeven.. always hold on to the trade.. Investments can be 30 seconds or 9 months.. You own the investment of X dollars, euros, francs etc.. never, bank a loss.. When you reserve 70% of your capital your options are nearly endless.. There is no point where you should freak out worrying about catastrophic loss because you should never, ever use more than 30% on an idea or philosophy .. Use your capital wisely to bail you out of any situation..

e.g. if you're short, go long with twice the amount of lots going short.. use your capital wisely and in a meaningful way.. Your capital is your capital and you should never bank a large loss.. You should always keep your positions small and use your reserve capital to bail you out of any potential situation..

My 7th account is an everyday account to jump on trades like this EUR/USD short and play around with trades for spending money ..
Excellent response.. 😆

how dare you sir?? I'll have you know that we poison more wildlife before 9AM than you do all year! People in the industrial provinces of China wonder how we can continue living.. You're just jealous as usual that people in China have even heard of us cuz of that movie with Tom Hanks and Yao Ming from the Rockets.. Your 70s TV series fame is wearing off and y'all are beginning to panic.. You even lower yourselves far enough to associate with Oklahomans.. and this is a group of people who can't boil water because they lost the recipe.. Get a hold of yourselves please!!

70's TV show? Why I'll have you know that show lasted into the 80's and then we had another(Walker) in the 90's and past the turn of the century.
Ok, so the later was more of a make-fun-of-it type show. You know like Mystery Science Theater 3000? But i got a lot of laughs from it.(so did the rest of the country).
oh and I've been trading live for almost 3 years.. I'm a computer scientist turned career trader.. Wiped out plenty of accounts, only trade Forex.. I use 6 accounts with $10,000 in each across 3 brokers in order to execute extremely high-value, unlikely to execute trade scenarios.. USD/JPY 83 long/ 73 s/l 130 t/p for example.. This is my bread and butter.. ultimately, you treat one account as one trade.. put 30% of the account going in the direction you think the price will go (slowly escalated) .. never take a stop loss but use 60% of the account to hedge in the opposite direction in case of catastrophic movement against you.. Do not bank the loss when you breakeven.. always hold on to the trade.. Investments can be 30 seconds or 9 months.. You own the investment of X dollars, euros, francs etc.. never, bank a loss.. When you reserve 70% of your capital your options are nearly endless.. There is no point where you should freak out worrying about catastrophic loss because you should never, ever use more than 30% on an idea or philosophy .. Use your capital wisely to bail you out of any situation..

e.g. if you're short, go long with twice the amount of lots going short.. use your capital wisely and in a meaningful way.. Your capital is your capital and you should never bank a large loss.. You should always keep your positions small and use your reserve capital to bail you out of any potential situation..

My 7th account is an everyday account to jump on trades like this EUR/USD short and play around with trades for spending money ..

Sounds like you have got allot going on there. I'm going to have to re-read that post a few times before my little brain can soak it all up. I'm not a computer scientist but I can solve a rubik's cube! I know that's a sad little claim to fame there.(back to the 80's we go again.)
What kind of returns have you been getting over the last ten months or so?
oh but it requires an understand of the push/pull effect of the mathematical world.. Don't go long EUR/USD at 1.60 and use my strategy.. it's an "expect a shift in trend in the near future" technique.. You don't want to hold onto a trade that's - 7000 pips or something ridiculous like that..
oh but it requires an understand of the push/pull effect of the mathematical world.. Don't go long EUR/USD at 1.60 and use my strategy.. it's an "expect a shift in trend in the near future" technique.. You don't want to hold onto a trade that's - 7000 pips or something ridiculous like that..

What do you mean by "push/pull"?
oh and I've been trading live for almost 3 years.. I'm a computer scientist turned career trader.. Wiped out plenty of accounts, only trade Forex.. I use 6 accounts with $10,000 in each across 3 brokers in order to execute extremely high-value, unlikely to execute trade scenarios.. USD/JPY 83 long/ 73 s/l 130 t/p for example.. This is my bread and butter.. ultimately, you treat one account as one trade.. put 30% of the account going in the direction you think the price will go (slowly escalated) .. never take a stop loss but use 60% of the account to hedge in the opposite direction in case of catastrophic movement against you.. Do not bank the loss when you breakeven.. always hold on to the trade.. Investments can be 30 seconds or 9 months.. You own the investment of X dollars, euros, francs etc.. never, bank a loss.. When you reserve 70% of your capital your options are nearly endless.. There is no point where you should freak out worrying about catastrophic loss because you should never, ever use more than 30% on an idea or philosophy .. Use your capital wisely to bail you out of any situation..

e.g. if you're short, go long with twice the amount of lots going short.. use your capital wisely and in a meaningful way.. Your capital is your capital and you should never bank a large loss.. You should always keep your positions small and use your reserve capital to bail you out of any potential situation..

My 7th account is an everyday account to jump on trades like this EUR/USD short and play around with trades for spending money ..

So do you hedge your trade from the beginning of the trade or just if it does not work out?
no, you hedge only when you have a support of resistance at less < 30% and hedge with twice the lots of the losing trade .. let's say 1.70 EUR/USD .. instead of fretting at the unthinkable happening you have at least 60% of your capital available to benefit from the unthinkable.. only place below or above the gate to blue-sky territory and place stop at $0 when available.. should the trade go and go against you it is a blessing .. if it reverses and goes in the original direction ..well .. good .. the only place you can go wrong is in the placement of the double-lot trade.. With an additional 10% in reserve you can screw the hudge up 3X before a double-lot trade is impossible..
also there is a small purgatory area where you will be perpetually underwater .. however, it is impossible that the purgatory area will last forever.. eventually, it is made *impossible to lose your initial capital of $10,000 when proper asset management is practiced..

*don't screw up the entry point for the <=60% hedge trade..
no, you hedge only when you have a support of resistance at less < 30% and hedge with twice the lots of the losing trade .. let's say 1.70 EUR/USD .. instead of fretting at the unthinkable happening you have at least 60% of your capital available to benefit from the unthinkable.. only place below or above the gate to blue-sky territory and place stop at $0 when available.. should the trade go and go against you it is a blessing .. if it reverses and goes in the original direction ..well .. good .. the only place you can go wrong is in the placement of the double-lot trade.. With an additional 10% in reserve you can screw the hudge up 3X before a double-lot trade is impossible..

I get what you're saying now. Not a bad idea. So if you don't mind my asking, how many trades out of say 50 do you screw up? I'm guessing not many.
with my day trading account I probably lose half the time but I'm rewarded far greater than the average loss.. with my high-percentage hedge trades I have been underwater for months but have yet to bank a loss other than several "failures to launch" the double-lot hedge trades.. I've also banked slight losses on original direction trades I thought would never reach 0 or would spend too long in negative territory.. this has been rare as well because you always trade with the expectation that a pair will at the very least return to the highest or lowest point it has ever been up to that point..

I shouldn't have banked the losses on original trades .. 100% of them have eventually returned to a profitable price including interest deduction.. I don't invest in Zimbabwean Dollars 😉
I might lose right now actually .. 2 lots triggered 1.353 I'm underwater and losing 😉 might not have any oomph behind it to keep it moving..
ugh.. barely touched 1.353 and retreated.. worst possible scenario.. still underwater.. drowning..