Forex Day Trader's Thread

I've had 2 Acura NSXs in my day.. a 1995 and a 1999. I believe they are called Honda NSX everywhere but here. They are no longer made I believe.

They were very good and rare too. They stopped making them in early 2000's. They had planned another NSX but pulled out on the idea. Nice choice.
I was 25 when I bought my first NSX with cash.. Good time in my life, lots of fun and all my friends were really impressed, but chicks had no idea there was anything special about the car at all. I also got really tired of teenagers harassing me with their suped up fast and furious toyotas. I prefer my V8 mercedes sedan now ;0
You should have told them Ayrton Senna helped to develop the NSX. Pippy in a V8 Mercedes Sedan - sounds so pimp. Do you have chrome rims with spinners and listen to 50 cent in the car whilst doing drive-bys?
ok.. well, this range is boring me to tears.. I'm going to knock out a few hours of community service.

selling 1.502
buying 1.4915
Away with you felon!

So i'm still in my long and due to go out in <40 mins and I have myself a little dilemma. If I can bail at 1.50 i'll happily do that. If not I think i'd rather take the profit if i've got a handful of pips. If i'm breaking even then I might have to stick a SL on it and if i'm in loss I guess i'll have to take my lumps. Serves me right for trying to trade and have a life!
Great! So now they're coming even earlier to get me. How tilting as I think I could make another 20 pips on top of this. I'll just bag about 20 pips here, curse my luck and consider stabbing them at dinner tonight.
a. DUI is a misdemeanor until the 3rd one
b. I have a driver's license
c. I'm a winner with a positive attitude
There's some Chinese data coming out in an hour.. I'm going long EJ right here at 134.3 for a move back to 135.15 (i.e. I think the data will be risk positive)
should have held it 😉

Yep, but i'll get over 20 pips although I thought it was a good possibility. My aim is to just get in and out of the market ASAP rather than end up holding trades; so I won't be too disheartened to take a profit and be able to start fresh the next day. Plenty of opportunities as always.