Forex Day Trader's Thread

stay in the trade? sorry pip, you referring to me? because im still in it, looking for more esp with possible bad news from china
WHOA.. actually I'm bankign this.. I don't like the prospect of good numbers from China..
that seems to have been a wise decision.. EJ skyrocketing..

hmmm.. actually I was long before and was barely stopped out before a nice big reversal..

words can't describe.. that actually is my favorite thing
i just got completely F-ed out of my positions. down big due to that retarded choppfest. this is madness, i need bad numbers from china to stay alive
boy oh boy... don't stay for longer than 1/2 hours in this market. Very choppy
I'm done for the day.. turned a horrific loss into a pretty wimpy loss.. I have an entry order EJ at 130
off over here.

huge losses, but honestly learning a lot from this. i can b**ch about it, or i can learn from it...learn a lot actually.

take care guys