How about "don't allow trading in AZN and LLOY" because they are "too volatile at the moment"!
And here is the letter I received from FINS, looks the reason is it will make commercial sense for them:

Dear Sir

I am writing to inform you that a management decision has been made to change your account to a ‘telephone trading’ only account. We believe that, given your style of trading and the volume of quote requests made by yourself during the day, that it would make commercial sense for us to offer you the same service over the telephone.

This change will take effect from Monday 13th January.

Stuart Lane
Director of Trading
Nothing to do with Fins etc, but if someone was going to rob me, it would be nice if they telephoned first.........
At the end of the day Spread Betting companies are bookmakers pure and simple.

That should in itself saying something to anyone with a modicom of intelligence.

Anyone know a bookmaker that:

a) doesn't make money?
b) closes accounts of losers?
c) gives you good mathematical odds?

If you do please call me on 0870 1234567
