Evening trading US shares

WHR came through the $ gainers list. Missed out on most part of the move but based a little around 112 at 11:15 on the 1 minute chart. I bought 112 at 11:16 and sold it around 113.50 at 11:21 when it all got choppy.

I know my entry and exit points aren't really clear on the charts I posted, but I'm working on how I can draw on them! If you want to see them clearer just open a chart on your computer and scroll to the times of my entry and exit.



Thanks for posting these examples. It's great to see that you have adapted and are back to your trading best.

What MA's are you using, and are they simple or exponential ?


Thanks for posting these examples. It's great to see that you have adapted and are back to your trading best.

What MA's are you using, and are they simple or exponential ?


Thank you.

They're simple moving averages.
It's the 5, 9, 20, 50, 200. it use the 20, 50 and 200 when I trade against the market. They offer big support and resistance areas. The 5 and the 9 are for the short term trend trading. Don't use them as an indicator, more as a trailing stop on trending stocks.

Today I was demonstrating the pro and cons of trading Low beta stocks to a group of young traders live and we made $2500 ish ,, I think I managed to also show why stocks such as X with high volatility coefficient are not safe even though the stock has the momentum of returning a handsome sum should one allow it to go to out side the risk envelope .

Muchas grasias Mr market. No more trading for me .. Putting ma health first

Hey Vegas Glad you are reading this thread. If you are after using MA then use adaptive MA, They are much more reflective of market cycle than simple fixed base MA.

grey 1 was pleased to be in the company of Vegas when he went through the trouble of spending a day with me .. AN awesome trader

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SHARKY >>> the ATTACHMENT DOES NOT WORK MY MAN . Tried twice to attach the IB screen shot no joyIT SAYS UPLOAD ERROR on the top left hand of the manage attachment ...Also it says Up load of file FAILED.

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UP $1427 for the day in no time ,,



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opps trades closed BHI short with 71.60C profit as shown on the trades ..

Myself and my trading partner picked JOYG ,CAT and BHI for short with BHI being an early developer.. We also picked LONG COST , ERTS ,, COST looks good but ERTS does not ,,, ERTS is in negative as I am writing this but all our analysis signaled to a postive close for the day .. We wait and see...

Muchas Gracias


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Me finished with the day with $ 1793 Profit . Not bad at all ,

Two over night trades as seen short 210 HON @ 55.32 240 PXD @ 31.20
Small postion size as they have a large Volatility coefficient , which make the trades risky , hence relatively small pos size ,,,,,

PNP was ended up to finish @ high of the day with % 5.5 again .. I could have stayed a bit longer to make more $$$ but it would be against my hit and run strategy .

All signals came from VWAP engine ..

Muchas gracias


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both over night trades paid off , HON paid 2.10 ROFL ( excluding cost ) = deposit for a cabbage.
PXD was good trade as it fell sharply at open to pay $165

All in all I have not met my daily target and will be trading more.

I might short VLO and KLAC again when the market gets OB ..


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All in all I have not met my daily target and will be trading more.
An impertinent question for you that I have no business in asking - but I'll ask it anyway 😉
What is your daily target? A percentage of total trading funds would be of greater interest than a specific $ amount. I quite understand if you prefer not to answer, although I'm sure a lot of people will be interested in your reply.
Hi all

Back into the workforce 😢 so trading is now restricted to evening trading.

3 trades tonight 2 losers and 1 winner. Unfortunately entered one trade too early before it recovered and almost ran $ in 2 minutes , thems the breaks.

Did manage to to get a good run on GES.

Almost managed a $ on 2nd half but decided to give it some room in case it decided to go up again. moved stop to 40.25c to lock in my profit target and was stopped out at this level, price then fell off.




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A few trades from this evening as unable to trade this afternoon.

X - long at 110.23, exit 110.69 +0.46

RIMM - long 144.97 anticipating the break of 145 as it was making a nice triangle. The next bar was a shakeout bar, exit 144.77 -0.20. The thing with always anticipating the break, is although it can be classed as a conservative entry you're more prone to chop, but sometimes it can be worth it therefore worth the risk.

Another trade in RIMM, long 145.57 when the actual HOD was taken out by 2 cents and limit order was triggered. Exit at 146 +0.43.

AGN was a nice slow mover and I just let that run in the background and moving my trailing stop up every now and again. Long at 123, exit 123.43 when prior bar low taken out. +0.43

DNDN was for a quick scalp as prior days low was within spitting distance. Long at 17.44, exit 17.81. +0.37

CROX, again was for a quick scalp as prior days low not far, but was a failed breakout so got out with some pennies. Long 69.02 out 69.06 +0.04

As Iraj would say, Muchas Gracias!


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A few trades from this evening as unable to trade this afternoon.

Hi Pitbull

Nice trades

Do you ever stop and reverse? I was wondering as the CROX looked like a likely canidate at the failure of the breakout. I have tried stop and reverse but have never really managed to get it right.


Hi Andrew

No I don't on breakouts, but on trending stocks that have a good run up, almost vertical and you get a reversal signal, candlestick and volume, yes I do.

Take care
A few trades from this evening as unable to trade this afternoon.

X - long at 110.23, exit 110.69 +0.46

RIMM - long 144.97 anticipating the break of 145 as it was making a nice triangle. The next bar was a shakeout bar, exit 144.77 -0.20. The thing with always anticipating the break, is although it can be classed as a conservative entry you're more prone to chop, but sometimes it can be worth it therefore worth the risk.

Another trade in RIMM, long 145.57 when the actual HOD was taken out by 2 cents and limit order was triggered. Exit at 146 +0.43.

AGN was a nice slow mover and I just let that run in the background and moving my trailing stop up every now and again. Long at 123, exit 123.43 when prior bar low taken out. +0.43

DNDN was for a quick scalp as prior days low was within spitting distance. Long at 17.44, exit 17.81. +0.37

CROX, again was for a quick scalp as prior days low not far, but was a failed breakout so got out with some pennies. Long 69.02 out 69.06 +0.04

As Iraj would say, Muchas Gracias!

All the 5 trades was near enough all running the same time, do you not find it hard to manage 5 stocks open the same time trading on a short time frame?

If you care to look, they are not all running at the same time, at the most 2 are, but a maximum of 4 I will allow.

DNDN entry 6.35 exit 6.45
X entry 8.05 exit 8.10
RIMM entry 7.50 exit 7.55
CROX entry 7.40 exit 7.40
AGN entry 7.20 exit 7.55

An impertinent question for you that I have no business in asking - but I'll ask it anyway 😉
What is your daily target? A percentage of total trading funds would be of greater interest than a specific $ amount. I quite understand if you prefer not to answer, although I'm sure a lot of people will be interested in your reply.
Tim my man

My daily target is not a fixed amount,, In fact if you correctly adjust your postions size the target must be a function of the equity curve, In another word if the equity curve rises then the target increases and visa versa.

I expect an average of .75% to 1% return daily . This sum is between $1750- $2000

There is a Monthly threshold in my equity curve ceiling ( I take profit when the threshhold is reached pushing the curve back to 20 period back ) ,, The Profit is then transferred to my LONG TERM PORTFOLIO for LONG TERM INVESTMENTS) ,,

The reason for taking profit every month is

1) I am a fundamentalist more than a technician hence going for long term buy /hold
2) it is mathematically possibe( but only mathematically ) a day trading account to out perform a BUY /Hold Account,, This is not an easy task and most traders fail to do so .

Today I only made $604 before cost. AN incredibly difficult day for me ,,

PS:-- by the way TIM u have been on this BB since years and years ago . You must be doing some thing right to have survived the market ,, Keep up the good work and always say MUCHAS GRACIAS when you win .. LEE says it I say it lets all say it lol
Cheers Iraj - a very thorough and candid reply; I'm glad I asked the question! I'd be interested in your use of funnymentals, but this isn't the appropriate thread for that. Another time, another place . . .
Muchas Gracias.
A few trades from this evening as unable to trade this afternoon.

X - long at 110.23, exit 110.69 +0.46

RIMM - long 144.97 anticipating the break of 145 as it was making a nice triangle. The next bar was a shakeout bar, exit 144.77 -0.20. The thing with always anticipating the break, is although it can be classed as a conservative entry you're more prone to chop, but sometimes it can be worth it therefore worth the risk.

Another trade in RIMM, long 145.57 when the actual HOD was taken out by 2 cents and limit order was triggered. Exit at 146 +0.43.

AGN was a nice slow mover and I just let that run in the background and moving my trailing stop up every now and again. Long at 123, exit 123.43 when prior bar low taken out. +0.43

DNDN was for a quick scalp as prior days low was within spitting distance. Long at 17.44, exit 17.81. +0.37

CROX, again was for a quick scalp as prior days low not far, but was a failed breakout so got out with some pennies. Long 69.02 out 69.06 +0.04

As Iraj would say, Muchas Gracias!

Hi Lee,

Very nice trading indeed.

Just one thing is be careful with DNDN, upto to Monday, I had been trading DNDN regularly.

However, my understanding is that the FDA decision is now due at any time, and, shares will/could be suspended pending release.

Hi Lee,

Very nice trading indeed.

Just one thing is be careful with DNDN, upto to Monday, I had been trading DNDN regularly.

However, my understanding is that the FDA decision is now due at any time, and, shares will/could be suspended pending release.


I see pre-market DNDN trading down 50%. Must be bad news 😉