I ran out of deputies already. Now I'm running out of colors. See below
I didn’t need to GOOGLE any of what I am about to teach you because I am a bit of a geek and like to know things on a much, much deeper level than you. Probably why I enjoy tape reading and technical analysis do much!
There is a choice of 16,777,216 (256 x 256 x 256) colours so you would not have run out unless you needed more than that. I can only assume that like most people you haven’t got the foggiest idea what HEX means because like everything else, you only understand things on a very superficial level.
Not to worry, I said that you will learn by reading my trading journal so let me explain:
HEX is short for HEXADECIMAL which is a base 16 number system. This means that unlike decimal which is a base 10 number system from 0 – 9, HEX includes 6 more characters – A,B,C,D,E,F each representing 10,11,12,13,14,15.
When you select the TEXT colour option, you will notice a text box that allows you to enter a HEX colour value. The value is entered in the standard primary colour order - RED, GREEN, and BLUE (RGB) using a 2 character HEX value for each.
N.B. Before the artists have a hissy fit, the human eye only perceives electromagnetic radiation within the frequency range called ‘light’ which is an ADDITIVE mixing process.
The reason RGB is used and referred to as the primary colours is because the vast majority of human eyes are only sensitive to these 3 colours. It is our brain that combines them through a process called additive mixing, and creates the vast variety of colours we perceive. Below is an example of HEX values for different colours:
Primary Colours
If you wanted pure
RED, enter the HEX value: FF0000
If you wanted pure
GREEN, enter the HEX value: 00FF00
If you wanted pure
BLUE, enter the HEX value: 0000FF
Secondary colours
If you want any other colour mix I suggest you GOOGLE the colour name followed by the phrase HEX value or just experiment.
especially note the observation about new_trader's lifetime investment in gold in 2013 he put evry penny of his nest egg in Gold and sat thru' an entire drawdown for 3 years and is now yapping that he is profitable. he lost his entire net worth 4 times in 2013-2016. The market now has not even gotten up to where he got killed. That he is still alive is therfore due to the fact that he is playing DEMO not real money.
see (3) below in quote
What you are doing is called Psychological projection...are you bitter because new_trader started investing in gold long before you did?
That’s beside the point. What you need to do is make up your mind once and for all:
- Did new_trader invest every penny in gold?
- Is new_trader only playing DEMO not real money?
It can only be 1 or 2, not both. Make your mind up now and stick to that narrative, your constant switching between the two is making you look unhinged.
GC @
ES @