too much like hard work
I've been trying to keep pace with notes for 3 of my trading "methods" -
the Kill Zones, the Market Profile Kill Zones and my recent addition, Keltner Channel reversals.
But it's getting too much of a hassle trying to update charts and trades here, in the middle of live trading.
So I'm just going to focus and concentrate in the journal on the Kill Zone method.
Why that one ?
Well basically it's one I developed over a period of time and feel more "ownership of".
Of course, that's rubbish, it's not proprietary in any way; it just feels like it's "mine".
And hopefully I've been able to introduce some concepts, such as multiple targets, re-entry, Stop entries etc that newer readers may have been less familar with.
To summarise, the trading methods that I use, concurrently, sometimes in direct contradiction to each other, sometimes on their own and sometimes in conjunction with others:
Kill Zones
Market Profile Kill Zones
Keltner Channel reversals
and my "main", regular methods:
TTM Squeeze
TTM Squeeze Indicator
Toby Crabel ORB/Stretch
Momentum plays with Pit Audio
|| Welcome to Traders Audio ||
and Opening Gap plays
(and I try to use most of these methods on Weekly charts too)
Please feel free to PM on any of the above if you have any questions. from now on, the journal will concentrate on Kill Zones only.
And, thanks for taking the time to read this journal....