Education is the key

Hey gang,

This thread "Education is Key" started by Kenhethrington is exceptional and worth the read, although my head hurts now.

Anyway, I had to comment.

First off, I have a new found respect for a number of you who posted in this thread. It had many well stated points that are dear to my heart and the intriguing debate of ideas was an added bonus.

IMHO, the bottom line in trading is being RIGHT--not much more and certainly no less. Being right sums up the psychological and monetary elements pretty well.

The thread started about becoming an educated trader. Folks, this is key and I cannot stress this enough. I am living proof of this fact. How many accounts does one have to blow through before buckling down and paying for a decent trading education? Many people simply wash out of the markets NEVER to become educated leaving the life of trading for others to attempt.

I blew through two accounts 1) E-trade account of $XXXX and a Scottrade account of $XXXX before I became wise enough to cough up money for proper trading education. This should have been my first step, but I didn't know any better and if I did I would have thought I could have blazed the trail myself with no ones help.

I spent nearly $XXXX in multiple respectable trading courses all over the U.S. to learn what I needed to learn. The expense didn't start out that beefy, but the advance courses started to add up fast. On top of that, I also hired a high-end mentor out at $XXXX per week for two weeks (included in my $XXXX) to help me put all my education together and hone in on a system that fits me to become a consistent winner in the markets. All the data out there on trading is nothing short of over whelming. How does one put it all together by themselves? All websites, books, and newsletters tout different rules, angles, and theories. I felt a mentor would help me do this best and I was right.

To prove my point, I'll disclose to you that my trading capital is less than a $XXXX, but more than $XXXX. I am only XX years old and really feel good about where I have come. Few people other than close friends and family even know how successful I have become at trading. It's no ones business.. Personally, I believe that I am one rare duck simply because I trade successfully AND I find it very rewarding to train others. Socrates, I think, mentioned that successful traders who also don't mind mentoring do not wear a badge on their forehead. We'll this post serves as my badge on my forehead. 🙂 I am not sure if this will be welcomed or sniped at by others. The only reason I bring up numbers is because you cannot validate yourself any other way. So, please do not be offended or turned off by me doing so. It's not my intent to do either.

There are those who teach because they HAVE TO and others who teach because they WANT to. I simply don't mind training others who in fact want to learn. All you mentors out there know the thrill of having a student become a successful trader. You also know those who come in with their own agenda and refuse to listen to your instructions. A bad apple gets in every once in awhile.

After crunching numbers to to see what I would have to make to justify pulling myself from the markets came out to be $XXXX for four (4) consecutive days of mentoring. Any less would simply not be worth my time--to be blunt. I am certainly not trying to come across cocky. If I were smart (which I am not) I would charge $XXXX like my mentor charged me. LOL

Anyway, happy hunting in the markets and find a good mentor. They're around and worth the effort to search out.

Des Woodruff

PS. Edited to appease those people who have an axe to grind with those who want to merely HELP others." Everything has been X'd out.

PSS. A special thanks to those who have PM'd me. You guys are super.
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His name is Dr. Jonathan Kline from Washington D.C. He and I have become great friends and he's a fantastic trader. Let me know if you need his contact info.

Your poor conduct doesn't warrant a reply, but I cannot resist. Mentoring is certainly not my means of making a living. I am an entrepreneur owning two companies and I trade successfully. Trading is my passion and it thrills me to be around like minded people. To be frank, I don't need your kind wasting my time. My only purpose was to agree that all of us need to put more emphasis on education and to let you know that I know of one or two, including myself, that is the real-deal--not a phony NEEDING TO MENTOR to make a living. Take it or leave it, I am not one, who gives info-mecials on these threads and I think the group as a whole know this, so back off newbie.

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des44 said:
His name is Dr. Jonathan Kline from Washington D.C. He and I have become great friends and he's a fantastic trader. Let me know if you need his contact info.

Your poor conduct doesn't warrant a reply, but I cannot resist. Mentoring is certainly not my means of making a living. I am an entrepreneur owning two companies and I trade successfully. Trading is my passion and it thrills me to be around like minded people. To be frank, I don't need your kind wasting my time. My only purpose was to agree that all of us need to put more emphasis on education and to let you know that I know of one or two, including myself, that is the real-deal--not a phony NEEDING TO MENTOR to make a living. Take it or leave it, I am not one, who gives info-mecials on these threads and I think the group as a whole know this, so back off newbie.

Yeah right, you are making over half a million and asking for $3000 a pop to mentor others.... take the scam elsewhere dude
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Trader28 you appear to devote 98% of your posts to insulting other members which is a pointless waste of everyone's time and contravenes our site guidelines. If you do not desist in your sniping and irksome disruptions of threads then you will be promptly banned. Consider this a friendly warning. Thanks.
frugi said:
Trader28 you appear to devote 98% of your posts to insulting other members which is a pointless waste of everyone's time and contravenes our site guidelines. If you do not desist in your sniping and irksome disruptions of threads then you will be promptly banned. Consider this a friendly warning. Thanks.
I called a spade a spade, do you want to see the members you have a responsibility to losing $3000 because you allowed commercial space to a scam artist?
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Trade2Win has no time for unscrupulous system vendors, false advertising, con artists, Holy Grail providers and the like. Please be aware we do not knowingly "harbour" such parasites.

There are a number of coaches who post on this site and I agree that conflicts of interest can arise. On the one hand they might make useful contributions; on the other they could be accused of using the site as an easy way of self-promotion. When the evidence points overwhelmingly towards the latter, members and mods usually pick up on it and the vendor is sent packing.

However in this case if you had bothered to read some of des44's previous posts I think you will find he is on the level. Of course, having never met the man, I cannot prove this, just as you cannot prove he is a "scam artist". We have to weigh the available evidence and act accordingly. The decision is not always easy. As for protecting members nobody is forcing them to part with $4000 and des44 has not claimed that his coaching is a get-rich-quick scheme, so I believe he should be allowed the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
frugi said:

Trade2Win has no time for unscrupulous system vendors, false advertising, con artists, Holy Grail providers and the like. Please be aware we do not knowingly "harbour" such parasites.

There are a number of coaches who post on this site and I agree that conflicts of interest can arise. On the one hand they might make useful contributions; on the other they could be accused of using the site as an easy way of self-promotion. When the evidence points overwhelmingly towards the latter, members and mods usually pick up on it and the vendor is sent packing.

However in this case if you had bothered to read some of des44's previous posts I think you will find he is on the level. Of course, having never met the man, I cannot prove this, just as you cannot prove he is a "scam artist". We have to weigh the available evidence and act accordingly. The decision is not always easy. As for protecting members nobody is forcing them to part with $4000 and des44 has not claimed that his coaching is a get-rich-quick scheme, so I believe he should be allowed the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
If you allow someone to offer a service for $3000 and you know nothing about him personally except a few posts who are you trying to kid?
And as for nobody forcing the members to part with $3000, thats a cop out, by allowing him advertising space you are certainly forcing them to be subjected to it... and by definition if you allow it... you endorse it!!!
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des44 said:
Ouch...did you have a bad experience or what? No need to be that way, Trader28. Keep it professional, my man. No offense intended.


Ive just stumbled across this thread but am drawn to the same conclusion as Trader28...
trader28 said:
It could be..... but at $4000 a pop should this site take that risk?

And forgive me if him saying he is making over half a million on the markets but 4 grand from us will pull him away isn't sus

and what risk would that be?

no-one is forcing anyone to (pitch)fork out $4k for mentoring.

free-will etc.

in some ways, that $4k could be well spent if the mentoring is crud. then you know how NOT to do it. an lesson, albeit expensive, learned.

now can we please give this a rest. its like a horrible broken record.
If there is a defining characteristic of great men who have attained enormous wealth it is their lack of education
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
I must have missed something 🙄 I thought he said he would need to ask $3000 for 4 consecutive days to cover what he would give up in trading profits. Where did he offer to mentor anyone for $4000?
trader28 said:
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Forget persistence if you're determined in the wrong direction.........
Forgive my savage pruning but with luck this thread will now have a chance to get back on track ...
frugi said:
Forgive my savage pruning but with luck this thread will now have a chance to get back on track ...

Why has trader28 been banned ? - that is truly pathetic moderator - unless there are posts Im not aware of ?
trader28 said:
If you allow someone to offer a service for $3000 and you know nothing about him personally except a few posts who are you trying to kid?
And as for nobody forcing the members to part with $3000, thats a cop out, by allowing him advertising space you are certainly forcing them to be subjected to it... and by definition if you allow it... you endorse it!!!

Whatever else Trader28 has said this post I wholeheartedly endorse and agree with...
In Frugi's absence...

Trader28 was banned because he was, quite frankly, a disruptive pain in the backside, and almost every single post was pointless. Over half of his posts have been deleted by either myself or one of the other moderators - that should give you some idea as to the scale of it. We have better things to do than go round deleting posts all the time.

The comment you refer to was not advertising. Believe me, I look after the advertising on the site, and if someone is advertising without permission, that post won't be there very long at all.

rossored said:
In Frugi's absence...

Trader28 was banned because he was, quite frankly, a disruptive pain in the backside, and almost every single post was pointless. Over half of his posts have been deleted by either myself or one of the other moderators - that should give you some idea as to the scale of it. We have better things to do than go round deleting posts all the time.

The comment you refer to was not advertising. Believe me, I look after the advertising on the site, and if someone is advertising without permission, that post won't be there very long at all.


OK I'll take your word for it - Its a shame though because some of the points he has made are unquestionably valid