Dow Intraday charts 01/Mar - 05/Mar

As a generalisation, I would agree with those. As a specific for the Dow, we know that's not good enough.
well, that's sorted the triangle out then.

now what - wait for the 3.00PM figs i guess
Guys just wondering did anybody trade the 1:30 news and did you get your limit orders filled ok with the SB companies.
Bit of a gamble... but rsi well os and price rising thro 32 ( a tad premature, but that's the gambler in me) and news spikes often go back to par.
Looking for a third peak at 3:30 for an ND out, or break of 70 as a fall back.
That's the ND gone... 🙂
I'll take it as a triangle , target 606...
Need to find another exit.... ES vol div or RSI OB
Mini div at OB so that's probably it. ES at D top. I don't fancy a short at this strength. 🙁
well, got that nice n wrong 🙁

Edit - My excuse is that Livecharts went missing at my short so was working blind !

Nice play CM.
Well played CM, out for -40 at 617 and short again from 646.

What a Crazy market this is. Bad news so market goes up??
Interesting to read the news now... Jobs data is good news for the market because it staves off a base rate rise.

A fall would have been met with "jobs data weighs market" 😉

Still, the day isn't over yet!
CM, just had a look at the es vol, that has been the highest buying in a any 60min period for last 3 months (250k) - probably an indication that this was a blow off and no further upside if not falling back a little again.

Going back to november, we had slighlty less volume 220k but the market still went up, though only by 2-3 es points.

Just an observation, anything can happen I guess.
enjoyed the ride up on the ndx 69 to 1494 and reverse short @ 94 plenty of time for the market to end belly up yet, dow needs to look good holding 630, ndx 1490, assuming tops of 650 for dow ndx 1494, and plenty of potential price collapse yet..
