Excellent and honest post wellshot
I to are greatly impressed with your grasp of wave theory in its purest form. Elliott is a great analytical tool, combined with other market studies ( Gartley ect..) which use Sacred Geometry. I myself trade on wave theory but its only one tool in box so to speak... From an ES traders view point I love predictable patterns based purely on price formation.... DT/DB's on geo ratio's, 1:1's
Retracements, Sq9, Bat's ect... you name it there will be orders placed at these levels and its our duty ( as it was drummed in) to exploit the dumb money at these key points..If my order is with the dumb money..
its killed or reversed.. no ifs or buts just move on.
I can see where your coming from on the precision side, the geometry gives this...
but it must be combined with price pattern, 3 day trend, balance points, 2 bar momentum ,Hooks,OSR's.. ect..ect.. in order to maximise its potential..Know what the opposition is using and exploit it
( no offence intended to the indicator users) :cheesy: Knowing this gives you confidence to take the trade and manage it correctly..ie cut or let run.
Forgive me if I'm going off at a tangent
.. your post says trade or dole..so its vital you have all the skills to win at this game Elliott alone will not give you the edge IMHO :?:
Cheers CJ
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Chartman please feel free to kill this post if its of "track" so to speak
The Chart below is from the no indicators thread..