Straight from the book........
The U.S. economy continued to expand in February with modest gains in employment and prices, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday in its Beige Book report on the economy.
Growth was variously described as "moderate," "firm," "sound" and "accelerating" in the Fed's 12 regional districts.
Employment has been growing slowly in most Federal Reserve districts," the Beige Book said.
Wages were growing slowly, while employee benefit costs were increasing faster.
Retail prices were "level or modestly increasing" while "commodity prices have moved up more noticeably."
Consumer spending was higher in 11 of 12 districts, with only St. Louis reporting lower sales. Manufacturing output also increased in 11 districts, with Cleveland reporting steady production.
The Beige Book was compiled by the professional staff at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from thousands of contacts with businesses and others in each district. The report is not the views of the Federal Open Market Committee, which meets in 13 days to consider changes to monetary policy.
Perhaps they ought to have called it the 'magnolia' or 'pea-green' book (slightly less inspiring than beige..... 😆 )
does this mean buy or sell? - watching closely.... 😎