added long at 12600 fut... (pyramiding)
added another long......are u mad with the crap philly?
added long at 12600 fut... (pyramiding)
added another long......are u mad with the crap philly?
added long at 12600 fut... (pyramiding)
12750 is just around the corner 😉
just read the above post
long again 12575 fut, stop 55,
last trade...
long again 12575 fut, stop 55,
last trade...
i can see why your long, both my macci 10 min and hourly are still very much oversold....................hope it does go up so i can get a better entry for me shorts,
just doing some reading found this quote for today
'Costa said the Dow may have been down 150 to 170 points today, but IBM's results will likely provide some support'.
I'm sure that anybody who is looking for affirmation of higher prices can find some positive news. As can anyone who needs a reason for lower prices find some negative news. There's always a bit of both. What analysts do, is present the news in such a way so that the public believes the news is the cause of the rise/drop.
Just floating an idea
Why not stay in a trade until one would take the reverse trade and then take it. Therefore one is always in the market and have no exits just reversals.
Anyone think that this might work?
Oscar is saying up day and buy in the low 1360's on sp futs to sell in the mid to hi 1380's or higher... or at close. He has said nothing about pre-market dips.
Yeah I've tried this a few times especially where the long or short is WELL in profit ...
and about to hit sppt/rez......... I come and go with it though ... more me than the approach...
have you seen tkimbles system on forex factory?............he had a always in the market system that looked pretty good.
Thxhave you seen tkimbles system on forex factory?............he had a always in the market system that looked pretty good.