Fair enough - I exited out of indecision. I once read that if you don't know why you are still in a trade, cover. (I think I should go back to reading some Brett Steenbarger articles, and perhaps a dose of Mark Douglas' "The Disciplined Trader" would be in order.) The offer on TradIndex Dow (which I am still using) is a few points above the CMC quote. I have marketmaker running most of the time now anyways, so I guess I got out at 13210 cash for 11 points bagged.
Interesting thing - I've reviewed my trading records for this week, and the last 2 weeks combined, and I have a net gain in points over both periods. I need to watch my stake size as my average loss > my average gain - not good. I need to work on money management more also - I once thought that a 20 point stop was too close for Dow - now I am using the EMA I think 20 is enough to say I got it wrong. Problem is that TradIndex won't let me set a stop closer than 75 from the market - when I started trading with them last December they didn't have that problem.
I think once I get a few more winning trades with TradIndex, and then withdraw money and trade with CMC from then on. TradIndex are a good company, but the restrictive stop policy and the wide spreads are making me want to look elsewhere for now. Also, I am not comfortable having the same amount of funds in 2 brokers when I only use one and the other isn't paying interest.
I think it is an advantage to trade on prices of one SB firm (TI) while keeping an eye on another feed (CMC). It reassures me that nobody is playing funny buggers with the quote. I have heard some bad things about SB companies, but I am not sure to what extent I believe them
smmcreedy, hope it comes back for you, but be ready to cover before a new high. I'm out for now...