Hi Steve
I had an old weekly line draw from the low in 2004 to the low in September this year, the continuance of that line just happens to be were the dx is hovering for now.
yep....see it now...the light was on but there was nobody home...😆
Hi Steve
I had an old weekly line draw from the low in 2004 to the low in September this year, the continuance of that line just happens to be were the dx is hovering for now.
"Why? so you can imply I got it wrong if Im a day out. "
If you can not understand how one can trade without pretty charts with colourful lines then you are not a trader.
stopped out on this mornings opening spike....I wish I could figure out why Dax is sooooo resilient.......🙁
Hair brain idea maybe but are any German banks exposed to the sub prime market crises?
I can't help thinking flight from US dollar and US assets to Euro and possibly German assets may help.
UK has limited exposure apparently. I think banking sector may hold a clue but not sure...