Dow 2007

Doing well with your bets Bald
Are you trailing them up with a stop loss to lock in profits ?

No - I let them run to expiry - experience (backed up by statistical analysis) tells me that stops are a waste of money, at least with digitals/binaries/fixed odds.
So you see the uptrend continuing, but will only go short - what's the matter with you? :)

Well other than being Mr doom and gloom, there is a diverging MACD and MAs 8 & 21 are about to cross over coupled with the price.

Should add these were also in place in previous charts but such is life that the all important determining factor is price not these oscillators. DOW makes new highs despite all the bad FA news which people don't pay much notice to.

Lessons learnt the hard way tells me market will rise toward the end of the year and tank in January or February at the latest.

Get a deja vu sensation here... :rolleyes: Time will tell.

What is your view and analysis? :?:
Sorry, maybe that comment was a bit harsh :) But why fight both the trend and your own opinion?

FWIW, i'd say 15k+ is easily doable by year end. Last thursdays action smelled like professional accumulation in anticipation of big rises ahead, but who knows? Volume was enormous.

And about the cheese thing - I never want to hold on to it - I just eat it!
I went long the FTSE the week before last at 6540. It is at 6700 now, and I still managed to get stopped out. I should have left a wider stop, or waited for a better entry. I still agree that it is longs only in the UK.

Over to the Dow. I've not seen 70K cards change hands so fast in recent memory. Last Thursday was extreme. The hour after the September FOMC, the volume was only 55K. Most likely the majority of those 125K trades were initiated by buyers. Again, it is official: buy the dips.

I'm still not too sure what caused that decline, but it was stopped pretty damn fast! On the 5m, the volume dries up 2 bars after the bottom goes in.

I'm not trading this market much any more, but it is nice to keep an eye out.
Nice to see the Dow getting a kicking (especially as I am flat)! Stupid irrational bulls! Bull markets in economic conditions such as this annoy me no end. Anyway, ranting aside, we've had a decent 60 point fall in just over half an hour, on moderate volume. A repeat of last Thursday in the works?

I'm beginning to watch the individual Dow constituents now - looking quite interesting. Sort of like a cheap $TICK.

Considering a wee long from 14115.
Oops. Long 14119. Thankfully I fat fingered my order in reverse, and am therefore long 1pp. That should be just about manageable. Out MOC.
Shouldn't be too much of a bad trade. Thank goodness I never got the zero on the end of that trade though!

I have a first target at 14140 (dec) and we'll see where we go from there. I'm out below 14100, and if there is good upward momentum out MOC.
long 14110

I'm nine pips worse than you FW, but it is nice to know I am on the same side of the trade. Going to go for a walk I think. Good luck!

I agree about the insider accumulation, and I don't expect this will be offered much lower at any point today. If 14105 breaks I might just need to run though. Likewise if we can't get above 14120 soon...
FW, unless I'm quite mistaken, you've taken profits already (perhaps at +10).

I intend to stay in, but I feel that is the wrong decision right now, and that further downside could follow. I'll be more comfortable if 14120 breaks, but this looks increasingly unlikely. Lunchtime doldrums to follow, so I will be back to check my (stopped out?) position around 7pm.
added more longs at 14110

Back in where you started? Ouch!

FWIW, I took a -40 loss on that trade. Had 2 losing weeks - I don't think I'll have much time to trade this week, so perhaps 3 bad weeks in a row. So far my equity is down 400 or so from the peak.
Ahh. Brave move. I'm not too sure about the bullishness of this any more. It appears that the "big boys" are selling to paper. I'm quite annoyed - I've taken 2 major trades this last month long on indices, intending to hold each until EOD - both longs, both stopped out!

Picked a bad day for it methinks!

I hope you all make it through today relatively unscathed.
Ahh. Brave move. I'm not too sure about the bullishness of this any more. It appears that the "big boys" are selling to paper. I'm quite annoyed - I've taken 2 major trades this last month long on indices, intending to hold each until EOD - both longs, both stopped out!

Picked a bad day for it methinks!

I hope you all make it through today relatively unscathed.

sorry to hear that...
I just bought some more at 14010... hope I'm on the right side of the market today
will soon see I guess
Sir Ming resigns ( pushed )- will that lift the market ?
well maybe a ripple somewhere
sorry to hear that...
I just bought some more at 14010... hope I'm on the right side of the market today
will soon see I guess

long dow cash at 13930..out if we get a break through 13900 (convincing)


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