Dow 2007

Hi Pat

Agree, DOW,DAX,CAC,IBEX etc, all looking favourable for a drop, timing is the key
I just got a bearish EOD signal for the Dow on my other prog ( swarm tech ). It sometimes takes a little while to kick in, but worth noting. In fact I'm now in short with a stop.

Pat, any idea of the magnitude of the impending move ... based on previous signals ?
"I'm now in short with a stop"...sounds painful.have you tried laxatives ?

ok guys,sorry leave you to it.
For those of you who are interested, the CBOT Live Book is still broken - it is showing YMV7 (October) with no quote. Can someone who lives in the states perhaps ring them and have them fix the issue. It is a very useful resource, especially if you are spreadbetting, and I am rather annoyed not to have it (I'm relying on NinjaTrader and otFeed which gives me best bid/offer but not the full book).

Direction - I don't have much of a view on this. Today's employment number could send the market lower, but Uncle Ben is testifying before the Congress later today, so that will no doubt lift the markets further. I for one am somewhat annoyed at the audacity of the Fed, and traders in general.

If in doubt, sit it out. Trading opportunities will come along which ever way the index takes off in

It shouldn't be about being brave, if your set up is right, you should be confident when you enter the market. I assume you have a formal trading plan?

It shouldn't be about being brave, if your set up is right, you should be confident when you enter the market. I assume you have a formal trading plan?

YES , only kiddin.

answerd your last post over on ftse board, plus money management etc in place, am aware that present market conditions are giving this Turkey a boost, traded well with SBs for last nine months but gettin fed up with all the dis connects etc so keepin my positions at part time level stakes.

Would like to try out at next level up (at the market 1 lot at 1st) but not sure how to go about it :?: Dont have much spare time to find out, and a bit scary

Any help appreciated Dinos or (PAT in Cornwall,) only if your any good 😆 😆
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Going down
Got the direction right but still got caught on a 40 point stop !
The SBs toggle the price up & down to take out stops it seems