Dow 2007

Gift from Uncle Ben

+300 on the day is pretty rare these days so ............ tonight or tomorrow it's party time again 😆

Put another way this is ripe for short .... but timing....
I'm now out, closed position at 39 for +12, really don't like trading these type of situations, to easy to get caught out.

OK trading day for me:

Closed short on UK Banking sector for +233
DAX +24
DAX (0)
CAC +10
DOW +5
Dow +12

Overall +284

Still long Northern Rock from 270

Off to flick between the chelsea and liverpool games, may pop back later to see how we go into the finish

Good luck all
Pearlz of Wisdom

50bp cut to be pre-emptive probly says things are very bad..... i.e eco data will likely get worse ... before fed meets again on Halloween.

Near Term
Investment banks have to come clean about the balance sheet damage in coming days.. this pop will be stress tested....
Yeah. I just got stung for -7 trying to short that. Net +19 for the day. Stopping here.

Bad day for me today. Got stopped out.

I'll be looking to short but question is timing as said before. Could this continue until xmas?

Look at the price of Gold too. Really kicking my self for not having faith in the metal.

Watching the markets storm ahead fwiw I think this .50 cut plus gobledegook on maintaining growth is all very wrong. .25 would have been more appropriate. It's all going to end in tears.
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Liverpool drawing 1:1, Chelsea Losing 1:0, music to my ears, my team Arsenal play tomorrow, sorry I digress

Really no rational to these markets:

FED/FOMC RESULT: Eased Fed funds target -50bp to 4.75%, eased DR -50bp
to 5.25%, statement says "will act as needed to foster price stability
and sustainable econ growth" Votes are both unanimous, 10-0.
Statement: "Tightening of credit conds has the potential to intensify
the hsg correction and to restrain econ growth more generally. Action is
intended to help forestall some of the adverse effects on the broader
econ that might otherwise arise from the disruptions in fin mkts and to
promote moderate growth over time. Readings on core infl have improved
modestly this yr. However, the FOMC judges that some infl risks remain,
and it will continue to moinitor infl developments carefully." DR cut
was requested by 7 of 12 Fed banks.

Intrepretation: We've F**ked up, if we cut rates a fair bit, you may not notice to much!

Looking towards a possible overnight short if we don't finish on a high, if we do, there may be some follow through tomorrow.
questionable value #5

With dow around just 2.5% from All Time Highs ......... the credit crunch crisis would appear to have been an elaborate con ... to the untrained eye... 😆

i really cant say much but the following

FED statement post FOMC

and disected:

The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to lower its target for the federal funds rate 50 basis points to 4-3/4 percent.

fine, we knew it was goin down

Economic growth was moderate during the first half of the year, but the tightening of credit conditions has the potential to intensify the housing correction and to restrain economic growth more generally. Today’s action is intended to help forestall some of the adverse effects on the broader economy that might otherwise arise from the disruptions in financial markets and to promote moderate growth over time.

OK, we admit, we dunno how to play chicken. we are bailing out investors

Readings on core inflation have improved modestly this year. However, the Committee judges that some inflation risks remain, and it will continue to monitor inflation developments carefully.

means, mind the 10 year treasury, that will tell you what the market thinks is the future of inflation

Developments in financial markets since the Committee’s last regular meeting have increased the uncertainty surrounding the economic outlook. The Committee will continue to assess the effects of these and other developments on economic prospects and will act as needed to foster price stability and sustainable economic growth.

we dont know if we have bailed out investors and started an inflationary spiral, or if we need more rate cuts

Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; Timothy F. Geithner, Vice Chairman; Charles L. Evans; Thomas M. Hoenig; Donald L. Kohn; Randall S. Kroszner; Frederic S. Mishkin; William Poole; Eric Rosengren; and Kevin M. Warsh.

In a related action, the Board of Governors unanimously approved a 50-basis-point decrease in the discount rate to 5-1/4 percent. In taking this action, the Board approved the requests submitted by the Boards of Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, New York, Cleveland, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and San Francisco.

rest of statement

i really cant say much but the following

FED statement post FOMC

and disected:

fine, we knew it was goin down

OK, we admit, we dunno how to play chicken. we are bailing out investors

means, mind the 10 year treasury, that will tell you what the market thinks is the future of inflation

we dont know if we have bailed out investors and started an inflationary spiral, or if we need more rate cuts

rest of statement

Inflationary spiral has my vote.

I may have been premature on getting on board but still on board.

Expecting a retrace back down to 13660 levels. That's 23% pull back to test strength of this rally.

I'm getting a vision that the big poker players (gun slinging cowboys the lot of em) are sitting round a table eyeballing each other wondering what other liabilities or exposures they have and the meaning of the Ace card just dealt to them. 🙄

Do they fold or raise the stakes. Let's think about the odds.

What's on the table?

Lower rates, more liquidity, twin budget defecits, housing slow down (supposedly only 3% of the real economy and not impacting growth couple of months back), gold going up, Iran selling nuclear technology to Suriye. Israel hitting Suriye. Potential war on horizon against Iran. Oil at $80. Dollar in free fall.

Where is the pot? Aaaarrrrrrrgggghhhh. There is no money in the pot. Only risks and liabilities.

I fold!

Just goes to show I'm shorting and losing. What do I know?😱 😆 😱 😆
Interesting H&S...

The upside may touch 13850... 🙄


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I fold!

Just goes to show I'm shorting and losing. What do I know?😱 😆 😱 😆

I dont know where you studied economics Attila but just from my own experience it would have done my bank balance a lot more good if the angle was not - what to do for the country but what impact their decisions will have on the market. I can just see my old economics prof turning in his grave at the very thought LOL
Just got an email from Fins about a course they are running for traders given by Bo Yoder ( wasn't that the little guy training Jedai warriors from Star Wars ? ) - only £299. Think I might give it a miss but dont let me put you guys off it !
I'm getting a vision that the big poker players (gun slinging cowboys the lot of em) are sitting round a table eyeballing each other wondering what other liabilities or exposures they have and the meaning of the Ace card just dealt to them. 🙄


😛 think they thank the waiter for the free round of drinks and ask for more 😛