Dow 2007

Why do I keep cutting winners short? I actually don't know why I do this. Panic? Greed? Phantom reversals appearing on my chart?

Once again, I called direction right but I'm not in the trade. That trade was worth at least 15.

Good call LL. +8 is good. 16 times better than a -8.

Here is a chart for me going short. Was risky could have broken up from the SAR but not for starters.

Regarding the stats. I think 3 months broken down to weekly and montly and quarterly summaries would be good. Start with most recent and work back.

I would be interested in
Win/Loss %ratio and your
Average Win/Loss £amount.
Number of Trades per day - Number of Pips per day - see if any correlation with losses and wins.

Well done again. I'm now thinking of closing at pos at 350 mark... 🙄


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Lurkers YMU7 Trades

Atilla, everyone - not much in the way of stats here, but this is for the September Futures since I started trading them. Any help, or do you want more data?


Why do I keep cutting winners short? I actually don't know why I do this. Panic? Greed? Phantom reversals appearing on my chart?

Once again, I called direction right but I'm not in the trade. That trade was worth at least 15.

LL,to be frank,you are chasing see +8 better than u snatch it whilst it's on the table....letting it run may regain that -20 or better....i think you are putting to much pressure on yourself....enter the day expecting losses.Looking at your trades if you managed them the opposite way round you'd be quids in......

Atilla, everyone - not much in the way of stats here, but this is for the September Futures since I started trading them. Any help, or do you want more data?

Not much data yet, so I would advice to papertrade your method and then analyze the stats. So far however, it's clear that you cut your winners short and leave your losses open. But I believe that was already the case before. So it's hard to say if there's something wrong with your method/strategy, if you don't exactly follow the rules. Enter a trade, and immediately set stop and target. Don't revise the target, don't adjust the stop. Don't enter a trade if the risk outweighs the potential reward. Leave out those trades that offer not enough in return for the risk you have to take. Then come back with new results (and be amazed... I hope!)

Target hit without me. Why can't I trade my plan?

Because you don't have the confidence.
Confidence gained from backtesting and papertrading.
Which you didn't do, or didn't do enough.
In return you won't gain any confidence and the vicious circle continues...:|
Because you don't have the confidence.
Confidence gained from backtesting and papertrading.
Which you didn't do, or didn't do enough.
In return you won't gain any confidence and the vicious circle continues...:|

Good trades, bad execution. I can't hold to my targets. Last night not holding to a target cost me a fortune too (also a premature short cover). Did anyone else here get a method which called the market direction correctly but were unable to properly execute it before becoming profitable? If so, how did you overcome this phase?

Another question - what needs to happen for me to realise I'm not suited to trading. I'm not ready to give up just yet. However, there may come a point where I just don't improve, and should call it a day. Where is that point and how do I know when I'm there?

I'm working on stats for all my Dow trades so far.
Because you don't have the confidence.
Confidence gained from backtesting and papertrading.
Which you didn't do, or didn't do enough.
In return you won't gain any confidence and the vicious circle continues...:|

Pos closed @ 360 looks like 350 supp is kicking in. +18
Another question - what needs to happen for me to realise I'm not suited to trading. I'm not ready to give up just yet. However, there may come a point where I just don't improve, and should call it a day. Where is that point and how do I know when I'm there?

LL, u r dedicated enough and willing to learn so once you are caught with this trading bug calling it a day doesn't become an option....I've blown accounts twice over the years on the road to where I am at now,and believe me these sums were not pocket money...
but I'm still at it,better off in all aspects because of those blow ups....

Try to concentrate more on the emotion of winning/losing...once you control that the rest falls into place

Another question - what needs to happen for me to realise I'm not suited to trading. I'm not ready to give up just yet. However, there may come a point where I just don't improve, and should call it a day. Where is that point and how do I know when I'm there?

LL, u r dedicated enough and willing to learn so once you are caught with this trading bug calling it a day doesn't become an option....I've blown accounts twice over the years on the road to where I am at now,and believe me these sums were not pocket money...
but I'm still at it,better off in all aspects because of those blow ups....

Try to concentrate more on the emotion of winning/losing...once you control that the rest falls into place

Good trades, bad execution. I can't hold to my targets. Last night not holding to a target cost me a fortune too (also a premature short cover). Did anyone else here get a method which called the market direction correctly but were unable to properly execute it before becoming profitable? If so, how did you overcome this phase?

Another question - what needs to happen for me to realise I'm not suited to trading. I'm not ready to give up just yet. However, there may come a point where I just don't improve, and should call it a day. Where is that point and how do I know when I'm there?

I'm working on stats for all my Dow trades so far.

With due respect LL, I think somebody everybody is too nice to you and you need a good kicking.

Different people respond to different stimuli.

1. You do something because you believe it is right. Call it altruism or intelligence or what ever.

2. You do something because somebody tells you to. Call it order like the army or work

3. You do something because there is a carrot in front of you. Call it work / reward

4. You do something because there is a stick behind you. Call it fear or force.

Now which stimuli do you respond to best. How did your parents bring you up. These questions go deep into the psychie of a person and very difficult issues. Search deep. You may find you discover some dark forces or hidden gems.

You may discover your real self and understand what will make you happy. I could go on but it's likely to be a journey of deep self discovery for you.

I think you need a bit of number 2 in my opinion. You are like a bad boy who will scratch away at a wound and not give it a chance to heal and thus make it worse. Leave it alone. Do as you are told. Do as your rule tells you. I'm sorry but BLOODY WELL STICK TO YOUR eFFING RULES. 😈

With due respect. From a good friend. 😱
Hi all,

Had the day off after such a good day yesterday, managed to give the garden a much needed weed.

As for my late long last night at 320, I kept faith, evrything looked ok to pull it back and indeed I did, exited at 370 for + 50.

As for now, will come upto speed and come back.

LL, Agree with Atilla's comments, you have changed your plan again, we all want you to succeed, but you really need to get a grip of a system, stick to it and trade it, we all make mistakes, learn by it and improve, this is meant is the constructively.
Offtopic, but could someone chuck us the correct spreadsheet formula for summing only positive (negative) cells. I'm spending too much time trying to figure that out for the spreadsheet which has been requested.


I'll get back to you on your other points after I finish the spreadsheet.
All Lurker's daily YM trades.

A few dirty hacks in OpenOffice Calc as I've never got on great with spreadsheets.

Number of Trades 59
Winning Trades 35
Winning % 0.59
Average Win 9.8
Average Loss 16.54
Trades Per Day 4.21
Pips Per Day -4.5


could someone chuck us the correct spreadsheet formula for summing only positive (negative) cells


might work for Excel.
With due respect LL, I think somebody everybody is too nice to you and you need a good kicking.

Different people respond to different stimuli.

1. You do something because you believe it is right. Call it altruism or intelligence or what ever. Not where money is involved

2. You do something because somebody tells you to. Call it order like the army or work If I had a trading boss to enforce discipline, I'd be a better trader

3. You do something because there is a carrot in front of you. Call it work / reward Money. Money. Money. And the intellectual challenge. This is why I trade.

4. You do something because there is a stick behind you. Call it fear or force. Not really

Now which stimuli do you respond to best. How did your parents bring you up. These questions go deep into the psychie of a person and very difficult issues. Search deep. You may find you discover some dark forces or hidden gems.

Most likely I respond to reward more than orders - since I have nobody to enforce trading orders I just need to focus on the reward.

You may discover your real self and understand what will make you happy. I could go on but it's likely to be a journey of deep self discovery for you.

I think you need a bit of number 2 in my opinion. You are like a bad boy who will scratch away at a wound and not give it a chance to heal and thus make it worse. Leave it alone. Do as you are told. Do as your rule tells you. I'm sorry but BLOODY WELL STICK TO YOUR eFFING RULES. 😈

I need to stick to the damn rules. I know this. Easier said than done. I pull a profit in too quick because a bad part of my mind shows me a huge loss on the screen and I need to remove the chance of that happening, so I cover.

With due respect. From a good friend. 😱

Thanks. I really appreciate the help, and patience. I'm surprised I've not been banned as a troll or something. You guys must be expecting to see a post by me every day breaking my rules by now!

Let me know what you think of the stats. Barjon suggested this the other day - glad I got around to it now. I think it isn't as bad as some new traders could do. Perhaps I have some potential in this also.

I don't want to take the Dow thread offtopic, but who would be interested in my FTSE stats?