Dow 2006

leovirgo said:
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Economic activity "continued to expand" in most of the U.S. Federal Reserve's 12 regional districts in January and February and employment strengthened, but labor costs and retail prices remained under control, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday.
According to the Fed's Beige Book, a summary of economic activity prepared for use at the central bank's next Federal Open Market Committee meeting on March 27 and 28, most districts described the expansion as "moderate or steady."
San Francisco and Dallas reported robust activity, while Richmond, Va., and Philadelphia reported more moderate gains.
The Fed said that business contacts "generally reported ongoing input cost pressures," with energy prices "mentioned frequently."
However, those pressures didn't appear to spill over into consumer prices, with the Fed stating that "prices at the retail level increased at only a moderate rate."

margins sqeeeezed.. buy more shares cos they are going to make more money??
Not one mention of anybody actually in a long trade here's incredible is'nt it.......every bit of evidence says long ....and the reaction to it ........everybody trying to pick the top .........this is simply an observation .......i have no idea what traders are looking for here....but clearly whatever it is is'nt working 😱

Oh and just for the record ......i would love to see this market get a kicking .....but it's not happening ....

counter_violent said:
Not one mention of anybody actually in a long trade here's incredible is'nt it.......every bit of evidence says long ....and the reaction to it ........everybody trying to pick the top .........this is simply an observation .......i have no idea what traders are looking for here....but clearly whatever it is is'nt working 😱

Just closed an intra day long at 11202 for 40 points, only because I don't like being amongst the first into new territory and all this talk of shorting is making me nervous 🙄 but not confident enough to short myself.. gonna have a beer instead and wait for tomorrow.
I've said before, picking tops and bottoms of markets is a mug's game. What you must always do, is to have a plan and stick to it whatever happens. Discipline is fundamental.

I actually made money today and yesterday being short. However, I did feel that we could see a scenario like we had yesterday (12% of the emini S&P volume was traded between 1308.25 and 1308.5). In other words massive short covering.

I held a position from yesterday at 1308.25 which I covered early on. My advice would be to trade smaller lots and be very cautious on averaging down.
CJIA said:
It's nice to be at the top you can see all the way down. 🙄

I hope u're right 'cos I'm gonna be shorting this ba^%*rd all the way down !!

oh my god !!!
mombasa said:
I hope u're right 'cos I'm gonna be shorting this ba^%*rd all the way down !!

oh my god !!!
Mom, I hope you have multiple accounts. Access to CFD and/or direct-access futures or covered warrants in addition to SB a/cs are essential for those who want to pick tops and bottoms. By that, one can have a major position in place while enjoying the freedom to scalp out of short-term swings. cheers. 😉
Dow weekly...


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leovirgo said:
Mom, I hope you have multiple accounts. Access to CFD and/or direct-access futures or covered warrants in addition to SB a/cs are essential for those who want to pick tops and bottoms. By that, one can have a major position in place while enjoying the freedom to scalp out of short-term swings. cheers. 😉

3 of my shorts got closed at 11,200 whilst I wasn't looking. Still have 3 more in place but it's gonna be tight.

The support trend line is becoming a bit parabolic which is another reason this can't go on.

Mind u, I've been saying that for a while now 🙁

Will need to stick more dosh into my account if it does start dropping tho. I'm maxed out.
Mom – you might find it useful to use the 9/16 period SMA’s (yellow/blue) on the hourly chart to make sure that you’re trading on the right side of the trend – I won’t be looking for long term shorts until they cross-over to signal a supply/demand change (note that the lower crossover at 11050 (futs) was the ‘long’ signal)



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Beige book...

real estate -- activity was slowing in most of the Fed's 12 districts.
I've got to admit it i've been stopped out over the last two days. The other thing that has suprised me is the lack of big selling....Mmmm. Short term pullback...maybe? I'm out on this one.
Compare these two first paragraphs from the beige book for different years

March 2000 (when US markets hit all time highs)
Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts indicated appreciable expansion of economic activity during late January and February. The majority of districts reported strong growth during the survey period, with the remaining reports pointing to moderate growth or continued high levels of activity. Retail sales expanded significantly over their year-earlier levels. Gains in manufacturing output were widespread. Providers of services to businesses and consumers continued to expand output and employment substantially. Real estate market activity and construction were at high levels, although slight cooling was evident in some areas. Conditions in the agricultural and resource extraction sectors were mixed. Demand for bank loans generally was strong, but several districts reported slower activity in some loan categories, especially consumer loans and residential mortgages.

March 2006
Economic activity continued to expand in January and February, according to reports from the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks. Most Districts characterized the pace of expansion as moderate or steady. San Francisco said that the "solid expansion remained on track," and Dallas indicated that activity strengthened. In contrast, the pace of growth moderated in the Richmond District, and Philadelphia said activity expanded at a slow pace.
Nationwide, consumer spending continued to expand. Capital spending increased at a similar pace as in the previous reporting period, and expenditures for business services continued to rise. Employment continued to increase in most locations and in many sectors of the economy. Most Districts said that residential construction and real estate activity slowed from high levels, while commercial markets were generally more active than at the end of 2005. Reports indicated that manufacturing continued to expand during the first two months of the year. Household lending softened, while commercial and industrial lending expanded at a modest pace. Contacts noted ongoing input cost pressures, but prices at the retail level increased at only a moderate rate. Labor cost pressures were little changed. Natural resource activity was very solid overall. Agricultural conditions remained mixed, and a continued lack of moisture generated concern in several Districts.

Dow approx high March 2000 11900
Dow close tonight 11209
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Your not wrong, mark. I got sucked into dates and patterns (what a fool), but hey, it's only money!
Secretive Fib pattern quietly admits to retracement leading into options expiry?

Or ... I tried lots and lots of Fib grids until the fit was satisfactory.


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