Dow 2006

Yes well done mark, as they say, there aint no point in crying over spilled milk, and you have demonstrated the tenacity to get up and start the day with a clear mind which is the only element required of yourself to obtain rewards from your seven years experience.

Quite choppy price action on the Dow today, my kinda index...pips this way n pips that way too !
candles said:
lol...would be nice to know what he's on about half the time. I was looking for more downside but if all the space talk is to do with 'lift-off' / rally? i better think about changing my ideas?

covering half for a small profit in case that's what DC is on about.

Hi Candles,

I think you'll find that DC was referring to the price at that time (12412) and implying that 12400 was T minus 12 and then - take off? But who knows, with the constant manipulation of this market. The refusal to realise the reality of the economy (with today's data especially, biggest rise in PPI since 1974) is astonishing!!

P.S. Am I right DC? 😎

cheers - Tricks

It will probably rise another 100 points, now I've posted the above!!!!!!!!!!
Re: SB trading 😆

IF you win today the money is just lent to you by the MMakers. When you lose tomorrow the money goes back to the MMakers! but, you have a price to pay for this fun and game! normally your account will end up elsewhere and the M Makers are always busy every day nibbling away at small pieces from the cake! ie spread price Until finally the whole cake is at their table. 😆
Just like the TAX man! always busy taking 17% VAT every time we spend a £1. The more we spend/trade the more the MMakers/Tax man EARNS!! 😆

just my 2p worth for today 😆 .

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Some clever tactics being deployed... another good shakeout of the weak longs. Nothing can keep the Dow down for long these days 🙂
Silvertip said:
Some clever tactics being deployed... another good shakeout of the weak longs today. Nothing can keep the Dow down for long these days 🙂

Not even appalling PPI figures. Strange that eh?

It makes me laugh - everyone is *supposedly* fixated on pre-empting the FED IR moves. We hear of every last bit of esoteric data being turned over for 'clues on inflation', then a big mutha number comes along & slaps the market in the face ....the mkt disregards it & pushes on!

I see the dollar is tanking again today (& Crude is on the up!)...that's really gonna help inflation - not, but hey, let's not let such minor issues get in the way of a Santa rally! lol
Dont be so cynical hobby ! This is the Dow Jones Industrial Average we are talking about here 🙂
The worst PPI report in 20 years cannot stop this bull market.... Santa's got his hat on hip hip hip hip hurray (to the tune of music) 😉
hobby said:
Not even appalling PPI figures. Strange that eh?

It makes me laugh - everyone is *supposedly* fixated on pre-empting the FED IR moves. We hear of every last bit of esoteric data being turned over for 'clues on inflation', then a big mutha number comes along & slaps the market in the face ....the mkt disregards it & pushes on!

I see the dollar is tanking again today (& Crude is on the up!)...that's really gonna help inflation - not, but hey, let's not let such minor issues get in the way of a Santa rally! lol

Do you know who killed, JFK?...The PPT! Keep buying, until it starts going down...then sell 😱
darkwanderer said:
The PPT! Keep buying, until it starts going down...then sell 😱

I'd rather have Iron Mike Tyson give me all his lovin' , as that'd be gentler in comparison to when this mkt wakes up & smells the inflation.
Perhaps we are witnessing the birth of a new type of wave formation manifesting for our future authors to write about. 1600 pips up over 6 months, 1600 pips down over 1 day ! We could call it the zugzwang wave or some other cool name 🙂

What about mark? He was considering taking abreak from trading yesterday, today got up bright and early went out for a jog clicked buy and he's in the money!
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hi chaps
the plan was as per my post yesterday (no3289) we didnt hit the 365 within the timeframe hence my post the price is right, the T minus 12mins means 12 mins before lift off


Some of the statements seen on here make Ted Roger's 3-2-1 whacky 'Dusty Bin' clues a piece of p1ss to decipher in comparison! 🙂
orion69 said:



Thanks 007 ............sorry Good Job o69! The trading nation owes you a debt of gratitude :cheesy:
hobby said:
Some of the statements seen on here make Ted Roger's 3-2-1 whacky 'Dusty Bin' clues a piece of p1ss to decipher in comparison! 🙂

This is the best post that has ever graced the T2W boards !
For the bulls ..make sure when the trend turns you have your trailing stops in, don't buy the first dip, and definitely don't double up (or more on the way down!)...even in the run up to the 2000 "top" we had huge corrections of the move...more often than not retracing a good portion of some of the uplegs...something which has been distinctly lacking so far in this move from 2003..

not saying it will end soon, but probabilities are increasing of some sort of shock which will trigger the next BIG move down..


see chart...


  • dow weekly 10yrs.JPG
    dow weekly 10yrs.JPG
    170.8 KB · Views: 215
My input is untainted with convoluted linguistic harmonics, all I say is click buy and win thousands. Not a complex statement to understand ? Or perhaps it is 🙂

If the FTSE climbs in the morning the Dow will make 12500 before the 14.30 GMT crowd take the stage, a possible 12700 week ending target is anticipated.

Poorest PPI for 2 decades ? We need Crude to hit $144 and interest rates to hit 13% before the Dow will even think about going short here!
"The cracks are beginning to form in the equity markets, as the OTC market is showing signs of weakness and the transport averages (a gauge of the economy) is not keeping pace. Our daily indicators continue to be buried in the cautious territory, as they have been for the past month. Seasonally, December is a strong month, and this one has been no different. But, we may be seeing the final run before a meaningful correction begins with the New Year (similar to both ’04 and ’05). Whether the correction is but a 2-4 month affair that takes some air out of the market before it regains its’ footing to embark upon new highs remains to be seen. Judging by the high valuations and stretched corporate margins, at some point (likely soon than later) the market will once again put a real scare into investors by declining by something more than 10%, putting sanity back into the markets."
Paul J. Nolte: December 18, 2006
Silvertip said:
My input is untainted with convoluted linguistic harmonics, all I say is click buy and win thousands. Not a complex statement to understand ? Or perhaps it is 🙂

If the FTSE climbs in the morning the Dow will make 12500 before the 14.30 GMT crowd take the stage, a possible 12700 week ending target is anticipated.

Poorest PPI for 2 decades ? We need Crude to hit $144 and interest rates to hit 13% before the Dow will even think about going short here!

Listening to Bloomberg TV after the market close in US, they were asking the traders for their take on the days events. Quoting the traders it went something like this...

"There wasn't much happening until oil starting moving up and Exxon Mobil took off after a bad run yesterday and the rest of the market followed it." 😱

What a load of tosh. 😆

I still feel we are heading for 1450 on the S&P500 before any significant downturn.

1. Is it going to be interest rate rises to save inflation
2. Is it going to be interest rate cuts to save housing and the retarded economy?

I keep hearing Uncle Ben is hawkish on inflation. Actions speak louder than words, and so the $ continues it's decline.

I'm saving my funds for early next year we are going to have some significant correction. I haven't got the bulls to go long in this markets...
kriesau said:
"The cracks are beginning to form in the equity markets, as the OTC market is showing signs of weakness and the transport averages (a gauge of the economy) is not keeping pace. Our daily indicators continue to be buried in the cautious territory, as they have been for the past month. Seasonally, December is a strong month, and this one has been no different. But, we may be seeing the final run before a meaningful correction begins with the New Year (similar to both ’04 and ’05). Whether the correction is but a 2-4 month affair that takes some air out of the market before it regains its’ footing to embark upon new highs remains to be seen. Judging by the high valuations and stretched corporate margins, at some point (likely soon than later) the market will once again put a real scare into investors by declining by something more than 10%, putting sanity back into the markets."
Paul J. Nolte: December 18, 2006

Yes definately. I forgot to mention the DOW & the S&P rose but NASDAQ fell. Usually Tech stocks strong in the last quarter and really should lead for signs of a strong economy.

Is it lagging the recovery or growth or is it preceeding the decline? I'm not sure anyone knows with certainty what part of the cycle we are on?