I should perhaps clarify my handle...Hobby, doesn't mean trading is just a passing interest to me (though it's not my full time job either) I've been an active trader since the early nineties! When I came to register on this site I had to pick a name quickly at random...my name is Rob & my wife's family are Brazilian...they all pronounce Rs as Hs....hence Robby=Hobby!
Ok, wrt TA.....well, I'd be a fool not to keep my ear to the ground wrt to TA (that's why I visit here to tap into the mood...I also have a friend who is really big on it & we exchange views a lot), but at the end of the it's fundamentals looking forward that I prefer to analyse.
I've watched agog, as the markets have gone an never ending relatively straight line up since July! It's a joke......they say the markets are efficient, b*ll**** - if they were that efficient, how come the dow has risen 1600 points since May?! Were they all wrong then? Or are they all right now? It matters not...the markets aren't efficient ...& that presents opportunity too. As we all know, they're driven by greed & fear....we've had 6 months of greed in the face of some pretty ropey data IMHO - the greed/fear balance has got out of kilter (witness the VIX reaching record lows a couple of weeks ago).
The past few days of US economic data have been relatively pants...yet still the mkt strode onwards & upwards....nothing but froth IMHO (& the forever age old expectation of a Santa Rally etc, etc....even though Santa has been handing out presents since July!). Like I say...the short I placed yesterday was a no brainer...I've just this minute closed it at 12338 as they'll may try & buy the dips over the holiday period (& I'll not be anywhere near a trading screen!)....after all, buying the dips is what all & sundry been programmed to do - it's served them very well since 2002!
I'll retreat to the sidelines until the new year.
Merry Xmas to you all....this board seems a great place - just needs a bit more posting liquidity!