Difference between amateurs and professionals

I'm sure that £20 eases the pain of being 1k down on eur/usd
1K!? Has been a waaaaaaaays more down than that mate. The steamroller did a fly by on the wheat tarde but its all ok cos he was collecting some pocket change in swap. Seriously, open up an Oanda acc with some pennies and have a look. Comedy gold! :cheesy:(y)
Short Nasdaq @5860.1, no limits.

As the merchant refused to lift the price further, this position is entered on a spray & pray basis. I pray they will lift the price after this. They need to man up and run the price against me.
Short spx @2446.3, no limits.

Decided demonstrating how to make money from spx once is not enough. Let's repeat it.
Short spx @2446.3, no limits.

hi jo

can i just ask when you say "no limits" what do you mean? no plan for exit?

also im liking the trade screenshots thanks for that, you seem to place **** loads of trades!

i have no idea whether you are profitable overall though do you mind sharing any longer term performance figures? eg month, half yr, year...
im not trying to check on you just out of interest seeing as you like to share your results :D
hi jo

can i just ask when you say "no limits" what do you mean? no plan for exit?

also im liking the trade screenshots thanks for that, you seem to place **** loads of trades!

i have no idea whether you are profitable overall though do you mind sharing any longer term performance figures? eg month, half yr, year...
im not trying to check on you just out of interest seeing as you like to share your results :D

No limits means nothing. I am more profitable than foroom.
I'm just waiting for you to start posting you've closed those eur/usd trades that are now at a small profit while letting the losers still run...
No limits means nothing. I am more profitable than foroom.
It's looking a bit like your credibility is crumbling around you Joe.... we had" beginner joe" then "enlightened joe" Maybe cut your losses now and think of a new nic...do you have access to your brother-in-laws laptop....:LOL::LOL::LOL:
It's looking a bit like your credibility is crumbling around you Joe.... we had" beginner joe" then "enlightened joe" Maybe cut your losses now and think of a new nic...do you have access to your brother-in-laws laptop....:LOL::LOL::LOL:

Why do I need credibility ?
without it nobody will appreciate just how good you are at rinsing the markets, what was it you used to say ? " the market is your ATM". :LOL::LOL:

ATM was mentioned in this thread quite a bit too. Before was just a joke. Now it is real cash. I don't see why appreciation is needed. The cash should be good enough.

I am not at you level of making $1051153.2 in 73 weeks. But I am happy with my own performance. So who or what is this "pip" ?

He is the master yoda, the invincible unlike anything you've ever seen. Makes your heart jump with each new post....if you do not know of him then you're not worthy of his presence