Can we ban the word "lulz" ? it really makes me cringe
There is one MA that is of use and that is to measure price movement over a period not based on a random close. It does not lag.
More lulz
My straight line kung fu beats your diagonal line kung fu
Not sure if any new traders tried it, but lots of apparently seasoned posters if not traders waded in to completely ignore what I said and beat on about their own biases and preconceptions of what they thought I said which about as far out of whack with what I actually said as could be imagined
It seems there are some that are listening and these are the ones that I'm here for, not the ones getting heated about my form rather than my content. I'm not here to demonstrate people skills, nor am I the one with the problem. Thanks for the laugh though in quite spectacularly not taking your own advice about talking down to people and if I think I need to learn anything about people skills, I'll ask someone who exhibits at least a basic capability in that area.Your problem is your p1ss poor people skills. Learn to contribute without talking down to everyone and maybe someone will listen to you.
It seems there are some that are listening and these are the ones that I'm here for,
Traders don't fail because they can't find methods, systems, setups, book recommendations, internet forum advice or thyroid yoga bookmarks 😕
As far as I can make out most traders fail for pretty basic reasons and these reasons don't necessarily have anything to do with trading.
Ask a random group of people to explain probability and compounding (as I'm talking probability here best if we make it a very large group 🙂 ). I doubt many people would be able to make a decent job of it. That already presents the average person with a trading challenge before they start. Of course many will be unaware of this gap in their knowledge. In the words of Rumsfeld, these are the unknown unknowns - things people don't know they don't know.
Like every other career there are several core competencies required to be successful, or in this case consistently profitable over time. I expect all good traders demonstrate similar behaviours in the critical areas.
If every new trader understood probability, compounding, position sizing/money management and that a 50% loss requires a 100% profit to get back to where they started I suspect more people would find they could trade for long enough to figure out what works for them. Despite all the content and advice out there I don't think I have ever seen this laid out clearly to newcomers.
George Sorros , currency trader blew up the Bank of England , he did not use any indicators , systems , signals , price action , software and eas .George Sorros does not hang around forums or write books on how to trade.
That is the fallacy traders live in.The world of professionals like Sorros is totally different from the world of retail punters.
Thats a myth , it is not possible for him to blow up a central bank like BOE , he just shorted $ 10 Billion in pounds which earned him $ 1.1 Billion that's it .
Not really, we all play on the same field.
Not really, we all play on the same field. Don't by into the myth that what happens on city trading floors it incredibly complicated, its not! ]
Have you ever worked on a trading floor?
Not really, we all play on the same field. Don't by into the myth that what happens on city trading floors it incredibly complicated, its not! ]
Have you ever worked on a trading floor?
I think 15 min agrees. When you lose, it's because of your psychology and not because you got played like a fiddle. The fiddle players, if they exist, would obviously need to have their own field separate from everyone else's.
Not really, we all play on the same field. Don't by into the myth that what happens on city trading floors it incredibly complicated, its not! ]
Have you ever worked on a trading floor?
Is it wise to publish your full name with your account # in your blog ?