Diary of a swing spread better

Fins let me out for just seven points instead of nine. But I am up 17 points with WS though.


  • dow46.jpg
    150.4 KB · Views: 154
34 does it this time - out for 16 from the bounce. It is just a step up, so may go back in when it's safe past 34 with a pivot for target, if, if if, that never made anyone owt did it??
hungvir said:
Fins let me out for just seven points instead of nine. But I am up 17 points with WS though.
reading b&b put me off ws. do you have any probs getting in and out.
A predictable pull back. Could have taken profit and reenter the trade later as the spread is just one point at WS.


  • dow47.jpg
    154.8 KB · Views: 126
If the flag does confirm it will bring us to around the pivot, but it's faltered somewhat.
If it comes back down again at the same resistance level, I'll take my profit. It does not look like it will though.


  • dow50.jpg
    134.9 KB · Views: 154
I am out of it, making 20 points bringing today's total to 29. That's it, I go an watch the game now. It's going back up now though. Who said 'never take a profit'. But when I trade with WS, I have to take it as they don't accept market order. That's a good excuse, isn't it 🙂


  • dow51.jpg
    145.3 KB · Views: 150
chindl said:
Out at 040, DOJI and divergence. 13 made. Watch it breeze to the target now...

It looked like we were both out at the same time. It does not look like there's much more to be made.
Penalty the sheilas, what was the Croat thinkin there?
May leave it, 43 points up for the day which is the fish and chips paid for. It's hovering on 34 though, if it supports there then the piv should be made, which is tempting..
Failed, me done now, should test S1 if 20 is beaten..
Speak later, have some dinner and watch the footie now...
chindl said:
Failed, me done now, should test S1 if 20 is beaten..
Speak later, have some dinner and watch the footie now...

Bonne appetite, mon amie 🙂 Well done on milking the DOW today!

Had we not got out, we would have been 'stopped out' at break even or worse.


  • dow52.jpg
    155.3 KB · Views: 122
i would be green on the day if not for my dumb dumb trade however hopefully its a lesson learnt.

Lets see if 11010 ca hol out 2mmorow for us to move up. sl moved to 10986.
Let's play a game, shall we?! Please look at the pairs of charts in the ovals and see what they're telling us.

The Australian look quite good to me. But it makes no difference to me which team wins tonight. And no more hope for Japan.


  • dow53.jpg
    167.1 KB · Views: 160