It would be better for sustaining and broadening the base of investable traders to implement a scheme like eToro, where interesting traders are getting each month fixed stipend while they are waiting to be discovered by masses and properly funded. Darwinia is too opaque and unstable support for aspiring traders.Most of 'winners' don't get any measurable financial support out of it.
There are maybe 60 3-year or more native trackrecords (some algotraders have few of them),that are showing some signs of life.The rest is come and go.This can continue for another decade if darwinex doesn't give traders real incentive to persist and continue after initial 12-24 months.
A lot of collective AuM would act as a magnet and motivator,but that is not the case at the moment.
Giving a minimal wage to 50 talented traders who don't have more than 500k AuM would do the trick.Maybe somebody at darwinex will think about it after they notice stagnation continues.They should start thinking about psychology of their customers for a change.Some money would come from abandoned Darwinia and the rest should come from shareholders. 300-500k per year is too much of expense?