Welcome Darwinex Veterans


Today we offer a warm welcome to members of the Darwinex Community. If you're not familiar with Darwinex they're a CFD and FX broker, headquartered in London and regulated with the FCA that's been around since 2012. What sets them apart from the typical broker is that offer a type of mirrored trading where you can potentially invest in over 2000 strategies called DARWINS. That's about as far as my understanding goes, so I'll leave it to members of their community to explain in more detail.

They had a very active community on Darwinex over at https://community.darwinex.com, but management decided to close it down with a just a few weeks notice. So I was approached by members of their community to see if there was an interest in T2W re-homing them here. I checked out the Darwinex service and their community and really liked what I saw, particularly given I have an interest in algorithmic trading, so I was more than happy to accommodate them.

Hence you'll see we have a new Darwinex category called Darwinex Veterans in the Commercial part of the forums, with three forums to discuss Darwinex, Darwins and Darwin Portfolios and @CavaliereVerde will be moderating these forums.

A big THANX @Sharky for giving us a new home!

DARWIN is a sophisticated form of copytrading , it is an evolution of PAMM and MAM .
Pure copytrading like Zulu or Autotrade has many problems with slippage of replication.

Just like PAMM with darwin you don't subscribe a signal to dream on past return but you pay a performance fee so the trader/manager earns only if he makes new highs after your investment.

You can find more details on Darwinex.com , than you can ask here on our Veterans subforum .

Happy trading to all! 🙂
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Interesting stuff ...for years i have looked for a platform that delivered this service without the baggage and flaws of so many inferior players .....I will take a look