screen time varies as i dont just trade 15 min cable.
however, if i was to just trade cable you could probably do what ive been doing and have your feet up reading the paper this morning and am only up now because i got a phone call at 8.50, i am off to the shops to meet a friend for coffee for about an hour. If anything happened ill get a text alert
The only action time is when the price is around the ema like now but even then you dont need to be glued to the screen.
If the prices wildly spiked up 25 points and down 25 points on every bar, hence whipping you long and short, it is still only a phone call to put your stop & reversal orders in, but what are the odds of this happening regularly. I accept it may happen, but i have a methodology that allows me sufficient time & means to deal with these extreme scenarios.
Look at it another way, am going out for an hour now that is 4 bars look at the price action over any random 4 bars... what ever happens whip or rally i'll be in the move where ever i am :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: