Currency Trading Dec 18th-22nd

jacinto said:
long 82

moving to BE very soon. 90 has a 61% fib (9850 to 94...) break should trigger a decent move, rejection, visit to 9630

moved to BE. outlook is positive, but stalling at 90.

well, i managed to call that one right.....err, the one of the failure where i didnt go short, and was long. :eek:

LONG at 1.9631, stop 50 trailing each 25 pips
+target 100=

any feedback on indicator settings? for swing trading, currently use default
Flat on vebo. Will re-arm vebo short later if pullback significant enough. Waiting for short swing entry now.
Made a complete mess of things this morning. Managed to go short and only breakeven. The problem is that I thought trading might be stuck in a tight range but should just have stuck with my normal system. Idiot!!
Offshore Trader said:
Made a complete mess of things this morning. Managed to go short and only breakeven. The problem is that I thought trading might be stuck in a tight range but should just have stuck with my normal system. Idiot!!

you are not the only one.
i'll join the club. A few more losses for me today. I used to be a naughty boy and never use stops. each trade would always 'come good' in the end, until eventually one would basically wipe me out. I am now diciplined enough to keep my stops, but its just a slower way to die, lol. I get the feeling that nobody really 'makes' money in trading. They just 'borrow' it. I'll kepp plugging away though. Good luck all.
and it continues......short into the figs, spike takes me out and then plunges lower......very poor today, should have made stack loads and actually made small loss. Anyway at least the market has been good. There will be next time
candles said:
i'll join the club. A few more losses for me today. I used to be a naughty boy and never use stops. each trade would always 'come good' in the end, until eventually one would basically wipe me out. I am now diciplined enough to keep my stops, but its just a slower way to die, lol. I get the feeling that nobody really 'makes' money in trading. They just 'borrow' it. I'll kepp plugging away though. Good luck all.

With good discipline and money management, you can make money consistenetly. Unfortunately, this morning I've had loads of the second and none of the first
I made 2 scalps today...1'st one P/L+11 pips...2'nd P/L+12 pips...Total 23pips profit. :cheesy:


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4 short trades for last 2 day's ......4 winers...32+10+11+12=65 pips Total.... :cheesy:


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Better today

More rewarding day for me - One long - one stopped out and one short - must stick to my method and expect losing trades/ no trade days.
Easy to say but hard to do at times ;)


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a_gnome said:
Went short at 67 on a swing trade, took half off at +37, stop to b/e on the rest.

Unfortunately I managed to c*ck up my VEBO Variant short trade (after another long trade whipping) which means that I only have a quarter position on. I'm trying to get the rest on somewhere near the original entry price if I can.

I'm going to have automate the whole thing to avoid such fiasco's in the future.

Closed the second half of my swing trade out for +80.

Never got the chance to get in with the rest of my VEBO Variant trade which is really annoying as it's the few big winners such as this would have been which really make all the difference. Still at least it will teach me to be more careful when placing my orders!
USD/CHF really trying the bottom of an admittedly very tight range. If it moves today then dollar negative looks the way
Offshore Trader said:
USD/CHF really trying the bottom of an admittedly very tight range. If it moves today then dollar negative looks the way

Morning OT,
Wondered where everyone was - Cable is looking very quiet this morning too. Perhaps the lunch-time figures might move things a little otherwise I think that I will just trade the system and stand aside from any discretionary trades today.
morning all,

this is what i see......follow the blue line.

then again, i have been off the mark all this week, so I am sure it will go in the opposite direction :LOL:
jacinto said:
hi chow,

have a look at the WW we saw on post #103

on target :eek:
Bosh! You nailed the count. I've had the 5min up whilst monitoring the vebo long this morning and took +5 on seeing the short setup there. I'm now short (62 on spike down), don't like this faffing atm though...good luck today.
ChowClown said:
Bosh! You nailed the count. I've had the 5min up whilst monitoring the vebo long this morning and took +5 on seeing the short setup there. I'm now short (62 on spike down), don't like this faffing atm though...good luck today.

is this what you have in mind?
Stopped at breakeven on my long but I'm still dollar negative and therefore wouldn't short cable unless I see something different happening. USD/CHF continues downwards....