Country Ken's Tips and racing discussions

Horse Racing - 25-07-05 ( Monday )

Good Morning All,

There is no bet today.

Goodwood Meeting starts tomorrow, so i will
up-date if any bet/s by no later then 12-30 p.m.

Have a nice day to all

Racing - 26-07-05

Good Morning All,

I do not have any offical bets, the 2 handicap
races that i've done is quite a trappy affair.

Since its Goodwood, i wll give the horses
but i must say, these bets will not be taken
into account towards the bank balance,
win or lose.
My personal advice is, if you're having a
bet, go small on your stakes.


No. 14. ECCENTRIC - win - rating = 6
No. 18. REALISM - win - rating = 6

P.S. There are others to that are rated 6


No. 6. SERGEANT CECIL - win - rating = 6
No. 12. RED DAMSON - win - rating = 6

P.S. There are others to that are rated 6

P.S. If none of these win, i won't be disappointed
but should any win, i will look at it as a bonus.

Good luck in what you choose to do

Dow Dog said:
Hello Ken

I saw that a guy called Mayoman posted another link - what was that and why did it get deleted ?

Hi DowDog,

The link I posted referred to another site, where Countryken has offered his system for sale.

He was, quite rightly, laughed off the board and has ceased to post there.

He posted on yet another forum also, and was held up to ridicule there. 😉

Don't know why my post was deleted, maybe because of the link to another forum. 😕
I'd say that was the reason it was deleted, i didn't realise our ken had been trying to sell his system, i thought this was just fun for him,
maybe Salty Gibbon was right about him

MayoMan said:
Hi DowDog,
Don't know why my post was deleted, maybe because of the link to another forum. 😕
What do you want me to say ??

Good Evening All,

This is what i would wish to say.

Yes i can defend myself as regards the posting
done by - MayoMan

I could say quite a lot, but i do not wish to cluster
this forum with all sorts, as i promised the Trade2win
boards who are in charge that my intentions are
for the good of all, thats why MayoMans posting
was deleted, he does not like me, why he has
a grudge against me i honestly don't know

I came to this forum first before going to the other
as i honestly wanted to help others by trying to
give winners.

Yes i did offer my system for sale, is that a crime

And as soon as the forums members saw that my
system was for sale, i got a lot of stick.

So i did the right thing by leaving that forum
they were quite rude in the way they posted
things at me, it was painful
i did defend myself, but it may have been in the
wrong way

As for the other forum, i did not say that my system
is for sale, i was being polite to a lady member
and in return, i got some form of stick, so what
do you think i should do, yes, i gave some back
and left.

As for this forum, i can honestly say from my heart
that i do love being here, as all of you are such a
lovely bunch and i would like to remain here
i have no intentions to go looking for other forums
this is the forum i wish to stay, no where else,
but if you feel that me ken has let you down
in more then one way, then i will do the honourable
thing and leave, but in all honesty, i would wish to
stay, so i ask any of you to please tell me, as i
would not wish to be in the dark not knowing how
you feel about me

I could say more, but im feeling very upset when all
i was doing is - trying to help others, and put my
system up for sale, if i was wrong in doing that
i will say, does not any one in their lives ever done
mistakes, is any one perfect in every sense of the

Here are the names of those forums


2 ( click on the word FORUM )

I leave it for you to decide if i should go or stay

**** I don't think that i should have placed you in a
position to decide if i should go or stay
just try to guide me as to what i should do
im sorry i ask you this, what else am i to say
or ask

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I will stay and carry on - Bets for today 27-07-05

Good Morning All,

Firstly i wish to say, as far as those forums go
i have put them to bed so to speak.

I have decided to stay, as all i wish to do is
post my bets on here.

The bets i post on here are purely for fun, but of
course i will try my best to get winners, so if a
profit is made along the way, i will look at it as
a nice bonus.

Here are my bets for today the 27-07-05 ( Wed )


No. 3. RACE THE ACE - win - rating = 71/2/10

4-00 GOODWOOD - Twin win

No. 3. SUNDAY SYMPHONY - win - rating = 61/2/10
No. 8. ONE TO WIN - win - rating = 7/10

Good luck

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Firstly let me state the obvious. Trade2win is a board dedicated to those of us who make our living (or have a desire to) from financial instruments, forex, stocks etc.
As a breed we are accustomed to some sort of risk and should be very accomplished at risk management.
Sport betting is a very specialist area that unless an individual possesses experience and skills it is for losers.
HOWEVER, it can be fun and the potential rewards for those who succeed are well worthwile.
I do not count myself as those who have an interest in the sport. my sport is to make money and give myself and family a pleasant lifestyle. I do not care if I legitimately gain those rewards from financial markets, sports or indeed any other area of my business. For the markets I take advice, learn and act. Mistakes are mine!
For sports betting I am at a severe disadvantage (lack of interest) so if I want to play I must rely on others and pay for advice.
As we all know specialist advice in any field is expensive, and the law of "you get what you pay for" is does not necessarily follow.
Many will have seen posts (which I have contributed to some) that slag off those supposed pay for advice services.
Take Brimadon as an example, that costs around 4 grand a year. I tried it and the returns did not cover the fees let alone the betting bank!
What Ken is offering (free on this board) is not a professional service that cost a fortune but a light hearted diversion from the trading day. Does he win us a fortune? I care not, I have the option as all do of taking the tips for what they are, FUN. If an individual is earning 50k a year and pays 500 a month in mortgage to house his family to place a £1000 bet on any sports selection is completely stupid!
However, we are (aren't we?) more or less financially independent so a £20 quid bet on Kens selection is no big deal.
Look at the thread on 3m system. Is it successful, well yes and no. Does it make good returns, NO.
Do I know of any system that makes consistent returns?
NO. And I challenge anyone to show me a system that does.

If you dont like playing for fun then don't take Kens recommendations and what is more, UN subscribe from this thread.
I for one visit here to have a flutter and as long as Ken is posting tips and not losing a lots of money, I will stick here.
Nothing annoys me more than unwarranted criticism by those intent on gaining status on T2W.
If you have something better to offer then offer it. If not keep quiet.
Thats all, spleen vented!
Well said Euro_d.

No-one is being forced to read this thread, nor to place any bets that Ken kindly posts here for us. It is an individuals choice - just as it is with trading. Hence all the disclaimers there are on any trading system about not having any responsibility for others losing money when trading this particular system.

If people don't like it, then they don't have to take part.

There is no need for any abuse of anyone, netiher Ken, other members, mods etc- that is NOT what this web site is supposed to be about.

I believe from his comments that Ken likes the T2W website and would like to continue posting here - and so he should. If there are those who don't wish to be a part of this, then the answer is simple, unsubscribe to this thread and leave the rest of us in peace!
Bank Balance up-date 27-07-05 ( Wed )

Previous Bank Balance = £523-75

Selections given today = 1 ( 2 were none runners )

Winners today = 0

Present Bank Balance = £513-75 ( 27-07-05 - Wed )

( If i may say - we are not losing - starting bank was £500-00 - early days yet ? )
( Is it not good fun, away from all the hype and stress from work )

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Todays Bet on the 28-07-05 ( Thursday )

Good Morning All,

Here is the sole bet for today the 28-07-05 ( Thursday )

It may be an un-original choice but i do feel that this is
the horse they have to beat.
It has won on soft ground so that won't be a problem, its
bred to appreciate this distance and looks the type to go
on to be a smart 3yo.
Im sure connections will be disappointed if it does not
put up a bold show. As its making its first appearance
i would not be to concerned about it as Sir Mark Prescott
can get a horse fit enough to do itself justice.


No. 1. COMIC STRIP - win - rating = 81/2/10

Good luck


P.S. The answer to the question if this thread is only
for horse racing, yes it is.
Any recommendations with which bookmaker would be appropriate to place me quids to ensure swift victory for oneself?
Bank Balance and------------

Firstly, the running of the selection, its quite
possible that its not progressed from 2 to 3yo

What ever it may be, its a losing day.

Previous Bank Balance = £513-75

Selections given today = 1

winners = 0

Present Bank Balance = £503-75 ( 28-07-05 - Thursday )

Selections for today the 29-077-05 ( Friday )

Good Morning All,

Here are the 2 horses in the same race.

P.S. There could be a further up-date, if by 1-00 p.m.
if theres no posting, then no further bets.


No. 2. HABSHAN - win - rating = 7/10
No. 3. EVEREST - win - rating = 61/2/10

Good luck

Have a nice week-end to all

P.S. If any bets tomorrow, it will be posted by 12-30 p.m.

Hi Salty,

No need to keep tabs.

Countryken is visible from several miles away.

In fact there is more than one person in Mayo, that can see him coming before he is visible.

Bank Balance up-date 29-07-05 ( Friday )

Previous Bank Balance = £503-75

Selections given on 29-07-05 = 2

Winners = 0

Present Bank Balance on 29-07-05 = £483-75

Starting Bank was = £500-00

Another losing day, im aware that its still early days, but im not
pleased with my performance, if i may say, we live to fight another

I'd say that was the reason it was deleted, i didn't realise our ken had been trying to sell his system, i thought this was just fun for him,

It must be a bit more than fun when every single criticism is so badly received as though it is a personal insult.

In addition I have received some very nasty and poisonous PMs and emails from a person who uses the username "dwgebler".

This unsavoury character defends CountryKen by the use of exceedingly nasty PMs and email messages.

All very intriguing and unsavoury.

Can anyone shed any further light on this because I for one would like to get to the bottom of all this.

I believe that CountryKen is not all that he appears to be.