Country Ken's Tips and racing discussions

Welcome back Salty I trust you had an enjoyable vacation. Good 'ol c'Ken's still keeping his pecker up despite all adversity, hoping to fight another day, never have I known one for the nags such as he; I'm a lurker on this thread but its time to say 'ride'm cowboy'. I'm sure your over stressed on the matter.
Google was unproductive for Mr or Ms Gebler, best I can do is a spotty faced 19 year old programmer at: (seems improbable)
why do some of you knock Ken. all he is doing is trying to pick a few winners. I for one know how hard it is to have a 60% win rate on the horses I don't see any of you giving any tips on where the market is going.
sun123 said:
why do some of you knock Ken. all he is doing is trying to pick a few winners. I for one know how hard it is to have a 60% win rate on the horses I don't see any of you giving any tips on where the market is going.
Well said sun123, I wish him all the best, doubtless he'll come up with a good run so we can all be winners!
Well Peto,

We shall see.

I am only a simple man from Mayo.

What do I know?

Unlike super Euro, I've never even been to Spain.

Euro, please tell me, what is CC ?

Are you familiar?

Maybe, what do I know. I am only a simple man from Mayo.

Best regards to Ken,

Best regards,

Changes to the way we bet - 30-07-05

Changes to the way we bet ( i trust this is acceptable by one and all )

( I don't anticipate any further changes to be made )

I would welcome any suggestions you may have.

As i do give a rating to the horses which reflects the strength
of confidence behind each horse, i now feel that its only fair that the
stakes on each horse to be more or less in line. How ever the stakes
will vary from the same ratings, the reason for this is, there are
certain factors that will determine the changes.
With my own personal experience over the years, in which
some important factors that are taken into account by me,
such as the most recent form, the going, class factor,
trainer/s horses in good form, the courses which can play
an important factor, weight for age, etc etc, i will operate with
a staking plan based on points ( pts )

The points will be from - 1 to 10 points ( pts )

1 point ( pt ) will represent - £1-00, 2 pts = £2-00
and so on to a max of 10 pts = £10-00, i trust this is acceptable by you.
( You may choose to have your own staking plan, E.G. 1 pt may be £2-00 )
This service which i have chosen to provide is of my own choice and
is based on fun ( hopefully with some luck and my experience, hence
should a profit be made we can look at it as a nice bonus )
May i add that you can for a while be away from all the hype and stress from
a hard days work to look foreward to see if you have won or
lost. Should lost be the main issue ( which it is at the moment )
you still have the thought knowing that the bet you had ( hopefully )
gave you an escape, a break, and some sort of fun during your hard
days work.

This new staking points ( pts ) will commence from saturday
the 30-07-05.

P.S. No doubt i will have my critics whom you already know

( as long as im not one )

P.S. All i wish to do is post my bets on T2W for all to see
and for all to have a choice as to what they choose to do.

P.S. I like to thank all the viewers who view my posting
of my bets, as without you my efforts will be in vain.

*** I thank one and all in taking your time in reading this post
of mine.

With Kind Regards
Ken ( CK )
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I wish you the best of luck in your tipping of short priced nags. It would appear that you do indeed require a large slice of fortune.

By the way, would you happen to know who this "dwgebler" character is ?

Originally posted by magichands
Salty now has 'banned' under his unsername,
i think you'll find he's been banned which is understandable, he had other posts removed which he should have learned from,
you just can't break the rules,
goodbye and good riddance to Salty

Thank you for your kind words magichands
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Todays Selections on the 30-07-05 ( Saturday )

Good Morning All,

Firstly, i forgot to mention that after the initial 1 point, there will/might
be followed by 1/2 ( half ) pt. So a 11/2 pt = £1-50 and so on.

Here are the bets for today the 30-07-05 ( saturday )

2-00 GOODWOOD - Twin win

No. 6. DAHMAN - 2 pts win
No. 15. MICHAELS PRIDE - 21/2 pts win

3-30 DONCASTER - Twin win

No. 6. MUSTAJED - 11/2 pts win
No. 9. SONG OF SONGS - 81/2 pts win

3-40 NEWMARKET - Twin win

No. 3. RAWDON - 4 pts win
No. 7. HADRIAN - 31/2 pts win

4-45 NEWMARKET - Twin win

No. 5. MARIAS MAGIC - 2 pts win
No. 11. PANZER - 3 pts win

Total points staked = 27 pts or equivalent to £27-00

You may of course have your own staking plan.

P.S. For those to have not read my above posting could you
please read it as there are new changes in the way we bet

Thank you.

Good luck


P.S. Look out for tomorrows up-date
as of this moment im unable to
say if there will be any bet/s
the same time if there is any, no later then 12-30 p.m.
Oh, bad luck Kenny.

2 losers in the 2.00 at Goodwood but I'm sure that they deserved to win it really and the horse that did win was truly lucky and fluked it, I'm sure.

Never mind.

Let's move on to the 3.30 at Doncaster and hope for better fortune.

Well, the 3.30 at Doncaster was a dog too I'm afraid Kenny so let us move on briskly to the 3.40 at Newmarket, where fortune will hopefully favour the brave.

Oh dearie me Kenny baby, the 3.40 at Newmarket was also a veritable hound.

So, on to the 4.45 at Newmarket and hoping for a miracle to save the day.

We have an hour so let us go and pray for salvation.

Phew, Kenny.

Saved by Panzer in the 4.45 but at 11/2 ( SP ), probably not enough to be a winning day overall.

Never mind, it's only a bit of fun and who cares if we throw our money away huh?

Give my very best regards to dwgebler if you see him Kenny and have a great Saturday night at the movies, who cares what picture you see......
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Bank Balance up-date on the 30-07-05 ( Sat )

30-07-05 ( Saturday )

Previous Bank Balance = £483-75

Total Races for the bets = 4

Total Selections given = 8

Total winners = 1 ( S P 11-2 )

We had 3 in the frame - 2 - 3rds and a 2nd - not good enough

Total staked today = 27 pts or = £27-00

Total returns = 19.5 pts or = £19-50

Total loss for day = - 7.5 pts or - £7-50

Present Bank Balance = 476.25 pts or = £476-25 ( losing = £23-75 )

I do hope that even though it was a losing day, i trust you had
some fun from todays racing - its real money we lost, but i for
one still enjoyed my saturdays racing - i shall live yet to fight
another day.

Till tomorrow ( up-date by 12-30 p.m. if any bets ) do take care
and what ever your plans are for this week-end i trust you have
a nice one.

I don't have losing days at trading Ken but there again I am not a gambler like you Ken and your friend dwgebler.
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Thank you

Hi Peto,

Thank you for your words of encouragement

Yes, this cowboy will - ride' em high.

I do mean horse, as in the four-legged type. The type that produces a good return if the price of acquisition is right.
Todays Selections on the 31-07-05 ( Sunday )

Good Morning All,

Here are todays bets on the 31-07-05 ( Sunday )

3-25 CHESTER - Twin win

No. 5. LITTLE JIMBOB - 2 pts win - rating = 61/2/10
No. 11. DABBERS RIDGE - 5 pts win - rating = 7/10

P.S. The points given on any horse which is more or
less based on the ratings can and will vary
as there is and will be certain factors that will
determine the changes

Good luck

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Drat and double drat Kenny.

Another loser.

Never mind, better days are just around the corner.

Not quite sure how far away the corner is though. :cheesy: 😉
Salty Gibbon said:
I don't have losing days at trading Ken but there again I am not a gambler like you Ken and your friend dwgebler.

Hi Salty Gibbon (what a name!)
Are you serious? You really don't have losing days (I assume you trade intra-day)?

That is a phenomenal achievement. I can only imagine the kind of hard work you have put in to reach that stage (unless of course you are City trader trained by an institution, in which case you will have had plenty of support and training).


PS. Is there really such a thing called a salty gibbon?