this was a great comment from Forexperian on his scalping style ........I follow this principle for trading individual currencies via my fxcorrelator derivatives
but beware ! takes practice .........don't just blindly trade a pair or a currency just because it slows down and flatlines for a needs practice and experience
i'm at a funeral all day tomorrow then i'm off to the USA on friday for a while (business and pleasure)......a month in fact
i'll check in every now and again but wont be trading or calling trades .............time for me to do a little reflection during the trip as to what happens next for me..........
all the best and in the words of the big man .........I'll be back !
Ok gotta scoot......amassing brownie points as persuading the wife about a poker tournament I want to enter
I,m a little rusty. But When in Vegas it would be rude not to play a little dad was a seriously good player in the 60,s. Before all this superstar nonsense.....let's see if I can remember what he taught me......