Hi Neil et al,
Well I haven't had the time to devote to this thread that I would have liked, but I like to keep in touch from time to time.
I mentioned once before Ashraf Laidi, and just thought it might be worth mentioning him again (
www.ashraflaidi.com) .
He does talk about correlation, but maybe it's from a slightly different approach to yours. Actually I don't think anyone else is doing exactly what he is doing (at least not for free on the web). He calls it intermarket analysis, and it seems to be an interesting mix of fundamentals (news/data releases and similar), and technical analysis.
My own trading at the moment is quite heavily influenced by Ashraf' Laidi's approach and analysis, plus a bit of price action, gut instinct and seat-of-pants. I have also been influenced by
www.thegestalt.com (Chris Matthews), and what he calls "Global Macro". (Having said that, CM was plugging The Correlation Code guys quite heavily at one time, which made me go "hmm....").
I used to be a pure "price action" person, but became a little disillusioned after seeing so many apparently random and unexpected (by me) moves, and thought to myself that there must be a bit more to it than the way particular price bars fall out together. The market moves for a reason or for many reasons, and I set out to try to learn about the way the markets fitted together.
Correlation comes into this, but in a way it's a bit like price action. It's all very well to know that pair A/B are correlating with pair X/Y and also with stock index Z, but wouldn't it be even better to know why? If one can do that, then maybe it's taking it to the next level.
Anyway, for what it's worth, and paraphrasing heavily, AL is currently bullish on USD, bearish on EUR/USD, bearish GBP/USD, bullish Oil, probably bullish Gold (maybe after a dip). This is medium term stuff, and there may still be some fallout in the other direction for a while, following NFP.
I personally trade 1H+ charts and try to hold for at least several days, but I also like to take money off the table, so I don't always manage to hold more than a day. I'm not afraid to use large stops. My views on risk:reward are probably a bit unorthodox. I'm also slightly influenced by "Bird Watching in Lion Country".
OK, time to watch Wallander, then it's nearly time for the markets to open