Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

Hello folks :)

OK i found also interesting chanels according my styles...I see future USD strenght and also aud weakness...;) IF we look audus that is about 100-180 pips...Today from London all we got is USD corection from chanel...;)

Just my view and also my view for this great thread,i must say that i post on this forum just on this thread and all my posts is on this thread becouse my big respect of NVP...:cool:

Cheers and trade safe(y)


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hi NVP for good entries on the 5mins time frame i check the momentum of the pairs on the 1hr and 4hrs its either currencies pointing up down or flat.that indicates if i will get traction on the traded pair on the 5mins.

hey K

ok those grids......;)

looks good to me my friend

I want people to get a system that works for them...........the FXcorrelator and related systems is like a fine business have to tailor it exactly to how you want it and do not accept second best....

then it fits like a glove forever (y)

hey all

a little R&R for me to the canary islands and a favorite hotel of ours

our favourite room is booked and the bacardi is on ice..............

I will then dissapear to see some old retired trading mates and also work with a swiss Trading Club that are having seminars at the hotel

Dont tell the wife.............. :p

shes ok actually.....if you've read the thread you'll know she was 12 years on the shell international trading Floor as a trading co-ordinator for brent and just about every job going........ she frightened me then and still does now .....:eek:

shes ok actually.....if you've read the thread you'll know she was 12 years on the shell international trading Floor as a trading co-ordinator for brent and just about every job going........ she frightened me then and still does now .....:eek:


Hey all

the FXCorrelator is truly a piece of clay waiting to be moulded by artists like has no limitations or rules and i do not try to impose many........just a few to get people going and encourage them with results

my simple rules are sell the yen and dollar when they are both below the 20ma and 80ma Zero lines on ANY Timeframe .........and trade against any currency opposing them above the Zero

sure theres the dow (Equity correlation) on a sma 80 and sma 20 and you can use perhaps multiple timeframes for confirmation but thats it..........and they are not perfect , just my ideas

the rest is for you all to play with and develop..........look what Petar can do with the 20ma.........masterful (y)

make the FXcorrealtor your own tool and share here if you want :smart:


NVP: Thank you:D
You are very sweet. Thank you very much. Now off to play with this. OOps, sh*&t, can't have appointments all afternoon. Oh well, tomorrow.!
There is still this morning. Ok guys, I am going to make a fool of myself and tell you exactly what I'm doing and why I think I'm doing it. If it's okay with you and if you're very sweet about it, you can either hang me out to dry or point me in the right direction. OK? Meanwhile in between all this, I'm still back-reading all these messages.....sigh....lots of work to do. But I love this site!!! And you know why? Even though I still don't fully grasp it, it is a logical and simple formula to trading and it's different. It's changed my whole perspective on trading. So I'm proud of you all!!!

Now be kind.
It is 8:36 a.m EST. I have the GBPUSD on two charts. One is set to 80MA and the other is set to 20MA. On the 80MA, Ms Yellow JPY, is above the 0 and Mr. Green is below the 0. On the 20MA, They are both below the 0, with Mr. Green on top of Ms. Yellow. Mr. Green is closer to the 0 but they are working in tandem. So.......first question? One is below on the 20MA, but they aren't in 80MA because they are split with yellow on top of 0 and green beneath the 0. Now do I wait for both 80MA and 20MA to both be either above or below the 0?
OK, I think I've mistaken this. This is the Dow correlation that I've set up? It's good to keep an eye on it, but that's not what I'm looking for.
On the 20MA at the H1 time frame they are both below 0 on chart GBPUSD. The ones above are NZD, AUD, EUR although EUR is looking to go below. Both GBP and CAD are just moving above. Now if I understand this correctly, then what I should do is buy on any of these ones that are above, because Mr. Green, and Ms. Yellow are below?
GBPUSD on M5, Green is on top and Yellow is just moving on top. Now this is where I get confused because on the H1, yellow and green are below. Now that both yellow and green are above on the M5 chart, red, grey, and blue are below. So these are potential sells. But grey is moving upwards even though below the 0. Red is looking good because it's below the 0 and moving downwards. So is blue. My thinking is to ignore grey and move with red and blue?
My thinking must be wrong, becasue they are both giving me negative pips. So what am I doing wrong......I'm not connecting the dots somewhere along here.
I need to bail out of these two sells. But what's interesting is that both yellow and green are looking to go below the 0 which lines up with the H1 where they are below as well. Maybe this is what I've been missing. That once the yello and green are below on both that's when I sell and vice versa? Is this an Ah ha moment or now? Let's see.
Okay, I bought CAD and NZD at 9:02 a.m. because they are both definitely above the 0. Red is giving me Cad is giving me pips (brown) because it's moving upwards. NZD is taking pips. Now CAD is taking pips and I think it's because yellow has just moved above the 0 while green remains below. Let's see if yellow changes her mind and joins green.
It seems to me that although these other colors are on top while yellow and green are on the bottom, they still need to be moving in the right direction in order to make pips, or am I wrong?

I'm gonna slap yellow and green around. It looks like Mr. Green has decided to join Ms. Yellow and is trying to move on top of the 0 where Ms. Yellow is calling him.
@9:12a.m. EST
Yellow and green are still separated and I'm still negative pips so I'm thinking about doing another bail out, but I'm taking a wait and see approach.
I bailed out on CAD (brown) because it's moving straight down. Loss of pips @9:18 a.m. EST. Yellow and green are still split. I've hung on to NZD because it's moving upwards. Finally!!! @9:20 a.m. EST yellow and green are below but I don't know for how long. NZD is starting to fall down. Oh darn, yellow and green have split again. They don't want to come to an understanding. So now NZD is now back to giving me negative pips. AUD is moving above the 0 line. Yellow and Green are moving further apart. hmmmm.
Oh my, yellow must really be mad at green. She's moving way up above the 0 while green is moving down below the 0. There must be a trade in here somewhere. I still have NZD. @9:25 a.m. EST.

NVP, I hope you're getting a laugh out of this. You see for me, Ms. Yellow is wife to Mr. Green. It makes it more fun and they are really out of sorts with each other this morning. Although on the 20 H1, they live in harmony below the 0.