Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

Hey N,

Trichet made nice rally on € today, I missed it.. what about you mate ? I have to check your today´s posts, you said something about G8vix and I don´t know what exactly does it mean. I´m gonna solve it :smart:

thx, K
I cant get into hotmail to reload my ODL account numbers to reboot my platform which refuses to fire up today

in later if I can

hmmm..............Hotmail is where my original and personal addresses are

I am at [email protected] if anyone ever wants to rap in more depth about my strategies or contact me to offer programming assistance which I permanently need

I am always happy to agree confidentiality agreements providing the programmer with unique correlation indicators that are just shared with me

i am new here the chart seem very informative okay did download correlator no problems even i am a baby starter??now why usdjpy are the dominant currency on the chart?
also let say the red line gpb goes down below the 0.0000 line so we sell gbp against what currency i am puzzle here i do not understand at all??????????
please someone can help me too understand even i watch the video i still puzzle grrrrrrrrrr
many thanks
i am new here the chart seem very informative okay did download correlator no problems even i am a baby starter??now why usdjpy are the dominant currency on the chart?
also let say the red line gpb goes down below the 0.0000 line so we sell gbp against what currency i am puzzle here i do not understand at all??????????
please someone can help me too understand even i watch the video i still puzzle grrrrrrrrrr
many thanks

Hey Gilbert

go to the bottom of this post and read though the posts I talk will discuss what we do and the 80ma 20ma strategy I mainly follow here and talk abiout everyday (see the next post for an example)

then come back if you have more questions (y)

heres the overnights

I am having system link issues so not much will be posted today (n)



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I am going to review all the best Global threads on convergence and Basket strategies at the weekend

I want my own Convergence Strategy ready to roll and polished in the next 2 weeks

the stuff so far I have shown here has merit but I need it needs to be a lot lot tighter and fine tuned

again for any programmers willing to offer their time Contact me at [email protected] and I will share Ideas they will probably have never seen anywhere in Global Forex Forums

I'm interviewing now for candidates

I am going to review all the best Global threads on convergence and Basket strategies at the weekend

I want my own Convergence Strategy ready to roll and polished in the next 2 weeks

the stuff so far I have shown here has merit but I need it needs to be a lot lot tighter and fine tuned

again for any programmers willing to offer their time Contact me at [email protected] and I will share Ideas they will probably have never seen anywhere in Global Forex Forums

I'm interviewing now for candidates


Hi N,

and are you gonna publish your new ideas in here (when it will be done) ?..or it´s your private research ? :whistling ... damn, I should learn how to program :cheesy:

this sentence "I will share Ideas they will probably have never seen anywhere in Global Forex Forums" makes me crazy my friend (y)

thx, K
Hi N,

and are you gonna publish your new ideas in here (when it will be done) ?..or it´s your private research ? :whistling ... damn, I should learn how to program :cheesy:

this sentence "I will share Ideas they will probably have never seen anywhere in Global Forex Forums" makes me crazy my friend (y)

thx, K

if the programmers (after spending their expensive time and energy with my awful project management skills and instructions) are happy to release it for free.......

then yes !

but lets put it this way......I have about 20% tops on this site thats public (and most of that was from my original FXcorrelator) - the rest is under confidentially agreements with programmers

Sadly nothing thats worth having in Life is free.........I have invested over 5,000 posts here to build up a reasonable reputation and get people coming to me to work on ideas and strategies and be willing to offer their time for my knowledge

such is life :cool:

a few pips this week on my standard 1hr 80/20 system



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hey all

sorry - gonna be a quiet one this week as mega busy at work and I want to do some serious forum trawling on correlation and basket trading strategies

I have a simple approach to ensure i miss nothing

1) go to the Forex factory Forum and type in correlation as search
then read all the threads !!! :eek:

2) go to the Forex factory Forum and type in basket as search
then read all the threads regarding basket trading :eek:

that should keep me off the streets for a while :whistling

still happy to answer questions here - but theres enough stuff below for anyone to be getting on with - and I have no objections at all to people posting any updates or images with what I do during the day ( 5mins , 1hr's , anything !)........ as it saves me time so excellent !! (y)

adious amigos - time to wander the forum highways in search of the correlation Grail

on my travels i will drop in here any decent posts

still 1 major problemo with this link...........they all talk about currency PAIR correlation !!!! have all seen my charts.......isnt it easier to have a % correlation of 2 CURRENCIES and not the bloody pairs ?

eg the 100 bar correlation of Eur to CHF on 5 min is....... 90%

that means that the Euro moved the same direction as the CHF 90 timesin the last 90 bars

is that not simpler or what ???

I will drop that beauty in at some pont here for free when i get the time (all currencies)

and do yuo want triples with that ? - eg the % that 3 currencies move good would that be my friends ?


etc etc etc.................

all these ideas are the key to some monster trading strategies for the future !
these are golden threads (get it ? :rolleyes:) and I love the concept of using accounts to flag the strength order positions and the trading signals

I think for me that basket trading is my future as the risk of single pair trades is to potentially risky and frequently is tie consuming to wait for

I have 1 major problem though....the 14 pairs they use just dont make any sense at all to use as a basket many are self defeating/conflicting and just add to wastage on spreads

I would probably take about 8 max of those pairs that are move balanced and based on my own observations of currency behaviour and go from there .............which is what will do here when I come back from my forum travels so remind me

its not rocket science as to me here are the groups that are generally rising or falling together in strength


thats it ...........create cocktail Currency baskets by combining pairs 1 from each category (never 2 from the same group) and throw them in a will soon see distinct winners and losers deviding up and trade the changes in position...........

and convesely we could trade convegence basket based on the using the pairs from currencies in the SAME group............we could do this by letting the total pip value of all the E/G/C pairs reaching an over bought or sold level and then enter basket trades based on them converging in value (which they will)

jees cant wait to get this stuff on the road !!!!

doh - FF still doesnt let me post anywhere............Jees :rolleyes:

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Ideas notes

IDEAS notes to me.....less I forget :smart:

Directional correlator with no strength

Create % Correlation meter for all G8 currencies

Create some pair basketmeters 7-8 pair and total value meter
(stable of 5+ systems ? - EA's ?)

Create the Timezone charts and obsevations

programme some as EAs ?

Revisit the convergence ideas