Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

and you all thought i'd forgot !!!!

NO CHANCE :cheers::party::clap:

Euro is STILL going ..............jees !!!



  • hyperballistic.jpg
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4 band divergence on Some Euro pairs............anyone feeling brave ?

one of them is EURCHF.............jees thats a major divergence on those 2



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    4 band divergence.jpg
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or - the hell go on the 1.2970's now as its over bought anyway...screw confirmation

T1 is the 2930's and set stop at 2995
and the dow keeps climbing............

Jees i've hung my Convergence team out on the line again havnt I .............!!

c'mon convergence team ...take the Euro Down big time.........

drive , drive , drive :mad:


  • mash the Euro.jpg
    mash the Euro.jpg
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and the swissie is north on the 80/20 5min FXCorrelator 20ma now
the Dow wont fall...............I've gone to early

still might fluke it though if that high bar crystalises into a Lower high against previous levels

Yes I know I should have waited for a lower high like we are hopefully seeing now .....

and the dow falls



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E/G is tempting as well but its only 3 bands divergent.......that one is less dependent on the

dows rising again............I'm gonna get the convergence team toasted
I am stunned that the euro is coming for more pips................jees
i'm still hopeful...the 1min G8Vix system I have in test is screaming that the G8 are at near over extended levels and a retrace phase will be happening soon.........(ie all the currencies net retrace a little towards the Zero)

fingers crossed - and the dow is retracing south a little
whatever happened to the Euro the rest of the G8 are not clawing it back yet thats for sure....
a lot of convergence systems simply have an open DD chequebook based on the theory that price will come back in the end.........

not on this thread it dont........

see how this is about 1 Dow following and (sometimes) 1 non-dow following Currency ?

an old Trading mentor told me that you learn absolutely nothing from a winning trade

so how Come I am still so dumn from so many lessons ? :p



  • mirror image.jpg
    mirror image.jpg
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this is bloody 1 min G8vix is now officially screaming that the g8 will converge back to the Zeros soon and to take some trades

Sell EURCHF would be one of them I can assure you

come on !!
some of the systems are being rebooted at work so i need to logoff.......usually they screw the whole thing up so no doubt will sign in again a lot lot later on or from Home
