Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

Euro and AUD are indeed the sells ...gbp still going north....but so is USD
a handful of pips selling the AUD and Euro but if yuo have your corrie charts up yuo will know that the Tag team are divorced above/below the zero lines on the 80ma and the 20ma so nooo trades

yes the 80ma20ma corries are south for the Tag but the dow is also heavily south

i'm not in business at this moment...desite GBP piling its buy signals on my head ....

no power on earth it seems can stop the GBP train at the moment


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I like the A/U sell..............if GBP drops the ball the tag will pop up and Aus will fall nicely

theres an almighty rebalance coming
i'm not happy with the GBP as youve all guessed...........its volatility today is now likely to collapse price from here and again swallow all the sell pips as the tag rise

jees.........share the pips around GBP....
interesting.........when everything but the kitchen sink has been thrown at the tag team to rise above the 80/20 Zero's it means just 1 thing

the tag wants to secretly fall

lets see when the dow retraces if it bombs

tag are sell and dow is finally about to drift north into the 80ma/20ma zone again

thats better.......
Euro sell finally o man if that GBP folds ......there must be a lot of stops sitting out there now twitching
Full correlation in action now

dow south of 80/20

tag team north of 80/20
ladies and gentleman ...........the CHF is going for a touchdown......


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    touchdowb chf.jpg
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hey all

heres the pm signals............I am wondering if the dow test correlation really adds a thing somedays :sneaky:



  • afgernoon sigals.jpg
    afgernoon sigals.jpg
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hey all

nice overights ......40 pips on E/U were possible, a few on G/U and A/U

as well


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the 1hr on same settings shows spookily similar signals for the tag team and the dow

but Despite pips (delivered rom the 5mins) I would not have been trading the Euro buy ........anyone see why ?

(for me it would have been when the chf finally closed a bar higher on the 80ma and 20ma charts)

i'm in a lot of meetings today so minimal posts



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gotta go but as I was posting there..................look AT THE EURO !!!

(looks like tag took a hit south to help)


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hey all a quick post...............

Plenty of head honchos around today so NVP has best suit on and is smiling sweetly (all smart a*se comments are banned) and has been seperated from his beloved screens

annnnyway heres the lunchtime results.............interesting the reaction to the BOE promising higher interest rates....the market had priced in and the profits were taken (jees what a farce)

NOBODY CAN STOP MARKET FORCES.........and if you try you will get burnt :rolleyes:



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    spot the trade .jpg
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must confess my attentions are currently being distracted by wandering the various trading and gambling sites to see whats out there at present

I have seen one horseracing system that just needs a few tweaks and some thinking outside the box and it could be quite nice....................naturally it was totally unthinkable before the rise of the betfair style sites and the ability to lay as well as bet (now everone can make money as a bookmaker) .....but thats the wonderful world of progress we must all embrace (or become a dinosaur)

the interesting thing is how Horseracing Punters Still focus far to much on the race and the Form guides etc etc.......the real money has always been in the analytics and watching/playing the odds ....regardless of the horses or the outcome.......ho hum long may that continue

I do heartily recommend wider reading and the crossfertilisation of your trading knowledge across all areas of gambling.....amazing the fresh air and improvements it can bring to your skillsets

later....much later