Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

Watch out for The Bernank speech and questions from 15:00 GMT (10:00 EST).

(Good trade numbers from Germany, and bad ones from the UK this morning didn't seem to have a significant effect, as far as I could judge.)

BTW, perhaps I should point out that, tradingwise, I have been concentrating on 5M time-frame of late (quite different from my style for most of my 2010 trading period - started looking at lower TF's towards the end of it).

This probably skews my attitude to the Dow Rule (Guideline), somewhat.

on 5mins - gbp is having a pants afternoon so far and screwing up my correlations by keeping tag north :mad:

euro's having a good one though (so far) and we would have made a lot of money buying it inot tag team if GBP had not been so damn weak.......

sure blah blah Buy E/G trade .....but I dont so that one

buying E/U is tempting ...........but i'm looking at some faster 5min settings

let it breach recent highs

cheeky bugger Cad has arrived and pushed in front of the euro ......HEY !!!
hey all

heres a piece i really like from the boys from the black Swan
(no ballet action here just yet :p)

I have spent 30 years of my professional life (primarily as a Commercial/Financial Analyst) either crunching/manipulating numbers or interpreting information from someone else who has done the same (and is probably better at it than me :whistling)

and I can tell you (unsurprisingly) that 2+2 sometimes does not equal 4 :rolleyes:

almost all statistics are spewed out to support the aims of the party involved creating them........and once the numbers conform to the job in hand the work stops

for example - Southern Network Railways 2010 punctuality performance (to avoid massive fines) had to be above 82.4% or something......and it came out (eventually) at 82.43 or something ludicrously similar .....spare me :p

China Statistics are no different so dont believe a word :smart:



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Euro has been at this high level twice in last 24 hours but not delivered the final drive to touchdown glory............perhaps a (non) rousing US speech will help ? :whistling

cmon euro


  • touchdown.jpg
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heres action since lunch

Amazing what a little pure correlation can achieve (y)

always worth waiting for.....(but I never wait :whistling)


still no touchdown for euro though.......


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although undeterred the Euro came back for 1 more epic push
and made it ..............well done (y)


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watch that A/U as a buy...............just need the yen to fall south a little

Note - this is just an observation across about 4 TF's and 3 million multiple ma's I use privately

stick to the 5min 80ma / 20ma tag crossovers to be safe in your trades !!

A/U at 1.0111 is right on the trade line......c,mon dow hold north
nope hold your fire....inevitable test of the aussie D's rapid retrace north now.....
thoughts running through my mind ?

"set a time limit for a trade signal.....if it freezes or doesnt happen - walk away"

correlation breaking up on 5min lower ma's for the tag team so no trade ----stand down
