Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

mornin all..........

nice sells on Tag team overnight (triple arrow corrie sell on Yen and USD hit around 2am GMT)

unfortunately we had to wait for gbp on this system as first buyable currency with triple arrow buy

ive shown that Euro and NZD were good buys as well but you would have needed to fire off of lower
TF signals............your money your risk !

if you follow the thread here the multiple arrows on charts below should make sense :smart:

busy again today so not much chance to input probably....I will post the weekly update Video over the weekend



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the G/U (buy) has been very kind in last 10 mins or so......but I had to ignore yens (Initial) Northern divorce moves vs usd on the low tf's.....

ok gotta go

one last thing............for those interesed the yen is looking pretty strong today vs the market will go north at any opportunity it seems

Heres tom yeoman from accurstrength

if I had the time I would do most things exactly the same on the Corrie....

ok - I usually have the triple arrow corrie indicator open on a 5min chart setting that gives me more than 10 hours (see attachment) .....but whatever

only other differences really here is that I focus EXCLUSIVELY of USD trades (using the dow and the yen for correlation support)

oh yeah........and the price :whistling


Here is what I do each morning when I start my trading day.

I take a close look at each individual currency using the check boxes on the left side. I try to match its behaviour with various news items and reports that may have been released over that time period. I don't look at any other currency until I have finished examining the first one. Then I move to the second. Once I can confirm that a trend has been established in an individual, I use a pen to mark down some thoughts on a piece of paper in front of me. I finish one currency then move to the next.

I use a ten hour chart width so I can see trends within the time period I have available for trading. It shows me the last ten hours of strength or weakness. Unlike my older meters where I had to have it running for hours before a usable chart could be had, the AccuStrength lets me see what happened when I wasn't online.

As part of my observation for each currency I make horizontal lines and move the chart scroll bar back to see if certain levels have been reached over X amount of days. Once I think I have properly assessed that currency, I move along to the next.

When I have completed every one of the major currencies individually and saved the setups and themes, I have several combinations in mind. I use the accuchart and a regular pair chart side by side to see what each combination looks like from both angles. I match up my trend lines or horizontal highs and lows on the AccuStrength while observing the pairs price behaviour.

If a currency is very high and has been that way for a while, look for a bounce towards weakness. If another currency has hit rock bottom, then it is due for a rebound as well. I make a note of these potential opportunities.

My goal using the AccuStrength is to find a few currencies I think will be getting stronger and match them with currencies I think will be getting weaker.

Then, I make my trading system adapt to those two or four currencies. Following the trending patterns of individual currency strength while using common sense, is just basic. Any old timer will tell you. "Don't make it any more complicated than it has to be!"
I simply match a currency strengthening with a currency weakening. There are all kinds of values and pip arrangements when you are playing with exotic combinations of foreign exchange pairs so be careful and don't play with real money until you have mastered a demo account and know what amounts of money you are using. Scale up as you become more proficient.

Trading with strength charts instead of price charts is old hat for me. As many of you already know, I do not use candles or bars. Just lines and a couple of moving averages. I, like many who have been around awhile just need to adapt a simple system to get in and out. Other than that I don't rely on much else than reading news items and keeping my ears and eyes open for anything that may affect the two or four currencies I have in play. A professional news feed is essential.

I don't leave my desk while a trade is in play and I don't always find good possibilities. I show up and do my days work. Then I go home.

Have a terrific month ahead!



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oh yeah

you can delete the Zero dotted horizontal line on the indicator if you want when on a 500/1 setting as it is not needed.........

the 500/1 setting corrie is not about crossing the zero.........its about seeing pure price direction and price action signals (like HH and HL's etc etc ) :smart:

hey all

you can sit on your hands .......or bend the rules.........your money your choice ;)



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it wasnt totally blind.........

you have to be looking at what is not happening as well at was is happening................:smart:



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one more thing I am always looking for as well................good value opportunity on retracing currencies

probably wont come to much but see what I mean ?



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watch this tricks at all


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its a key key pivot point and I sit trades ready to mop up the move
perhaps euro wont turn now ?


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ok apologies..........I was hoping the set-up would be simpler than this but nothing is in trading, basically as I sit here I constantly move from scenario to scenario scannin for potential signals

the simplest is to align the tag team and also the dow (inversely) if possible re directions

but life is never that simple all the time and inbetween obvious signals there are more subtle signals that can be taken...especially the retraces into higher timeframe trends which then move back to trend quickly

I have to go now but heres the parting trades taken and the tag team getting tangled

could have sworn the euro would retrace south but looks like not........

trading is 95% not trading so perhaps the last few posts show what life is really like most of the time ..............:cool:



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lean signal week if you followed the rules and the 4h......but when they did signal it was good !!



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Hello there NVP,

This is my first post on this forum lol,i am active member of FF but i think this thread need guys wich will work with you NVP.I didnt know much about Coleration becouse i am fully Price action trader Volume and i have great succes more than 2 years,buy i think i can help you in your final destinacion,money :)
You work very hard to teach others guys your style and i love to see that.I can give you my advice how i become trader with consistent profit.I researched and resarched many motnhs to see system wich will be according my personality.And i found,that is price action absolutly,pure price action with Volume backgorund.Point is if you consistent trade one method you will become stronger trader and you can hope for good earnings...

I watched some videos you posted and also i read some pages too see how you do and i am very happy that you doing very good job.

I will post my vision of setups from Friday and you can tell me is that correct or not..

I am very busy with my students and posting on my forum but when i have time i will try to post here also...:cool:




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Some setups according how i see coleration from Thursday...

As i said i am price action trader and my thinking is that is everything based on price action.I think coleraton is also price action and tehnicly for me best thing is to combine that type of price action with classical candle,bar action.We can see better picture...:cool:

This is my setups from Thursday > :cool:


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