Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

just read a great article from Lance beggs below......saying you are a part time / full time trader in the forex market sounds cools doesnt it ?........impresses everyone eh ?

just dont attach yourself toooo much to it or believe your hype - or you may regret it as reality bites hard today , tomorrow or when its ready...........we are not doctors or lawyers with regular income - and there are no pensions or guarantees in this game....its law of the jungle 24 hours a day

find a method that suits you, practice until your trigger fingers bleed, take no prisoners and be confident when the time to enter or exit is shown..........and constantly refine and improve everything you do in trading

eye of the tiger.............

What We Fear In Trading Is...

A key component of my trading documentation is my Lessons Learnt Journal - a collection of insights organised into numerous trading-related categories. It creates a great tool for both formal review and learning, and also for casual reading whenever I've got a spare few minutes.

Within this invaluable resource, and amongst the numerous market structure and price action insights, is my favourite "lesson learnt"... a short psychological gem...

What we fear in trading is the loss of our self.*

What does this mean?

Our definition of who we are is built up through our achievements, our successes or failures, our possessions, our victories, our job, our financial situation, our families and friends perception of us, our belief as to others perceptions of ourselves, and so on.

This is our self-image. It's how we perceive ourselves as a person.

Our current life circumstances are a direct result of our self-image.

And our future decisions and actions will be further influenced by it, as we act in order to reinforce our self-image, or to resist or avoid any potential threat to our self-image.

This is important... subconscious decisions and actions will be taken in order to protect our self-image from any perceived threat.

For most novice traders, trading failure IS a threat to their self-image.

We may see ourselves as confident, intelligent, successful people. We expect success at new ventures, especially one so potentially life-changing as trading. But we also subconsciously recognise that the market environment is unlike any other we've worked in before, and contains risk along with significant potential to fail at this venture. To the novice trader, who has not mastered their own trading psychology or mindset, trading failure means that perhaps they're not confident, intelligent, successful people. Maybe their self-image was an illusion, or a lie? Maybe they'll never be able to attain wealth? Maybe they're not able to provide for their family? Maybe they won't ever be free from the slavery of a nine to five job? Maybe their partner won't love them any more? Maybe they won't be worthy of self-love any more?

Every loss contains within it the seeds of potential failure. Not just loss of funds, but proof that our self-image is a lie; a fragile idea that quite possibly has no basis for reality. In every trade... we risk our belief about who we.

Recognising this threat, our subconscious will act to protect us from potential loss. Some of us become busy preparing to trade; avoiding risk through planning and researching rather than ever engaging the live market. Others fail to plan, so that they can't blame themselves for the likely failure. Others actively seek out other sources of blame - their broker who hunts stops; their chat-room moderator who obviously is a fraud. Others hesitate on entry, in order to avoid what could be another bad trade. Others hold trades that have moved through their stop, in the desperate hope they'll come back to breakeven, or even profits. And others exit profitable trades earlier than defined in their plan, to secure these profits before the unpredictable market can turn around and take away their money.

We make these decisions and actions to protect ourselves from perceived threat; but we do so completely unaware of their unintended consequences. The fact that our subconscious actions, taken to protect us from loss, act instead to produce the very failure that we seek to avoid.

Trading can be a cruel game (for the novice).

The answer... TRUST - the subject of another article.

* Source: Lessons Learnt entry adapted from the quote "You cannot separate any fear that you have from the fear of the loss of your self" by Guy Finley in his spirituality presentation, "Timeless Mind".
plenty of signals but nothing i can stick to............for example the gbp is a lovely sell across the board on my charts but I'm not confident yet re the tag intensions......sure I could just punt that usd will rise/flatten and use the gbp action to get a trade...........but thats gambling

we will have a catch up on the triple arrow over the weekend to see how it did for the week......

great system.........shame I do not have the patience to follow it :p

hey all

i have NO idea how much (or little) these calls made this week as i'm not trying to impress or sell anything as you all know.....

money was made though.................perhaps one day I will follow my own damn systems and not permanently be trialling others.........:rolleyes:


hi all

some nice tag buys if you ignore the triple arrow corrie that says a retrace is happening and wait for the sells again......



  • overnights.jpg
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tee hee..............see how you MUST stay with the higher TF trend ?

nice moves back into the main sell tag trend.........aud is a peach buy

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its as if Boris (BK Forex) wrote this 100% for me ....lord oh Lord :rolleyes: !!

Want to know what is the greatest enemy of most traders? Patience. Most of us simply get in and out of our trades way too quickly making our entries too early and taking our exits too fast. For those of us who trade on intra-day basis the problem is even worse as we are often tempted to trade just for the sake of trading and one impatient decision can erase half a days work.

As speculators we have only only one true edge in the market - selectivity. Investors have much more capital than we do and are able to weather wide swings in price. Market makers have much better information on flow and while making money from bid ask spreads. Both of those participants can remain in the market on near permanent basis. As traders we don't have such luxury. But we do have one serious advantage - we don't have to play the game when there is no meaningful activity. We can sit on the sidelines for as long as we want. Unfortunately, that's something that very few of us do.

I certainly can't do it very well. My need to be involved often trumps the good sense to be selective and I wind up paying for my impulsive actions over and over and over again. In fact I know that if I was more patient my P&L would improve markedly.

Depending on your time horizon trading requires two different types of patience. If you are a short term intra day trader patience in timing is much more important than getting an optimal price. Essentially you need great patience in entry since your targets are relatively close and will likely be hit if you are correct in your analysis of the price action but so will your stops if you are wrong. On the other hand longer term positional traders typically have much wider stops, so they can often survive the ebb and flow of intra day price action but have a difficult time in holding their position to the target profit. Basically short term traders needs patience with their entries, while longer term traders need patience with their exits.

One of the great ironies of trading is that we often focus all of our energy on money management and never consider the importance of patience to our overall success. After a while almost all of us learn to take stops, to avoid doubling down into losing positions and to control our leverage, Yet few of us work on learning how to be more patient which ultimately may be the true key to long term success.
hi all

hmmm interesting on low TF's at the moment.........a strong Tag team still off a rising Dow30 indicates something will have to give way soon as correlation is all wrong !

if the tag goes more north its the CAD that looks weakest.......
AUD is ruling roost for the northery action

i'm trying to persuade usd to go upwards & follow the strong Tag...........

euro is a peach sell currently......gbp is developing nicely as well south

nzd is also a triple arrow sell..........c'mon usd.........rise !!!
like pulling teeth but a handful of pips on the table now re E/U....
nzd and Euro are grabbing pippage slowly selling into USD.....
hey all :)

some nice scalps buying GBP and Euro recently into tag team.....(y)

its a shame that the Yen was so late falling below Zero on the 4h (top) triple arrow line as you all could have got in earlier trading that system as usd was already well south ............

still the twins are now both south now (supported by a rising dow) so s/be interesting today to see if we make some money - either diving into the GBP and Euro that are already triple arrow north OR .........waiting for the NEXT currency to signal North as tht will have fresh I speak - that looks like AUD that is already nudging a triple arrow buy at 8.39 am GMT (a little later than belows chart now as I write this)

lets see what happens :smart:


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    early action.jpg
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Frustrating....yen is selling a treat on the 5mins but usd is being obnoxious and rising......give it a little time and those AUD , Euro and GBP buys into usd will start lifting off......
big push here on 5min TF's.......even nzd is stepping up looking bullish..usd is running out of options but to hopefully fall................c'mon !
there you go about 10pips + on A/U buy.............commentating as it happened on my previous posts (y)

plenty more there if the dow keeps rising and the tag team keep falling , but remember the remaining currencies may rotate a little re taking turns to rise so watch the 5min chart to see whos best.......

busy now so later all............
N :smart:


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    aud usd scalp.jpg
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had to pop back for a second from meeting..........

the triple arrow is spoiling us all today (y)

thats gotta be a 50+ pip haul from trading the 5mins on the 3 of them in total.......or conversely a nice cushion from which to start a more larger long term punt.............



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