Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

Ha ha. If only everyone were so responsive :D Thanks for that. Nothing wrong with there being a commercial version but I know from others experience that the move into a paid offering can quickly become a massive pain in the **** as you feel compelled to help every subscriber who can't read the instructions...But maybe your experience will be different...

Anyway, I guess it behoves me to get stuck in and have a play with the 'Corrie'. I'll let you know how I get on. :)
Ha ha. If only everyone were so responsive :D Thanks for that. Nothing wrong with there being a commercial version but I know from others experience that the move into a paid offering can quickly become a massive pain in the **** as you feel compelled to help every subscriber who can't read the instructions...But maybe your experience will be different...

Anyway, I guess it behoves me to get stuck in and have a play with the 'Corrie'. I'll let you know how I get on. :)

Hi mate

Thats probably why I am stalling and faffing around with these decisions :rolleyes:

its huge Admin responsibilities (for the peanuts i will charge) which detracts me from adding any value elsewhere or indeed trading wonder marketeers charge big bucks for this stuff as otherwise its not worth it

so we will see, we will see :whistling
Ha ha. If only everyone were so responsive :D Thanks for that. Nothing wrong with there being a commercial version but I know from others experience that the move into a paid offering can quickly become a massive pain in the **** as you feel compelled to help every subscriber who can't read the instructions...But maybe your experience will be different...

Anyway, I guess it behoves me to get stuck in and have a play with the 'Corrie'. I'll let you know how I get on. :)

its intuitive stuff as my instructions are pretty play play play !

also try it on a 1000/1 setting as this is pure price direction and not distorted by a low moving average like the 20/1 scalper setting which starts to converge lines to zero as soon as a currency move slows down......similar to a MACD indicator

ask any questions here........:smart:

Hi Noodles

here you go ...this is the 5 min scalper as at 14.41 today

easy money selling most other currencies against the rising USD as they all lined up and bounced up and down across the zero since midday gmt (y)

only sell when a currency was individually below zero though !

looking on chart at bartime spent/divergence size below the zero - looks like CAD(brow) on 100+ pips , and the AUD(gold) on 90+ pips , have been the winning trades so far to sell against the USD since 12 o'clock



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if you concentrated on this full time, how many trades do you think you would make in the average day? Say for theory's sake you could keep your eye on it all and would see all the opportunities as they arose, and actually took all the opportunities that pan out into trades?

if you concentrated on this full time, how many trades do you think you would make in the average day? Say for theory's sake you could keep your eye on it all and would see all the opportunities as they arose, and actually took all the opportunities that pan out into trades?

Ouch !!! - thats a very good question :sneaky:

if we stuck to the letter of the scalper rules I would look for opportunities to trade everytime the yen and Dollar crossed the zero on same side on the 1min and 5 min corries

I figure an average day (8am to say 4pm) thats about 6-8 pure (above and below Zero) signals on the 5 min charts from which to then use the 1m charts to confirm
(see the attachment for about 1 an hour below today)

then of course you can sometimes ride multiple scalps on the 1 minute TF from the same signal on the 5 min (actually the best signals are second or even third time around as the 1 min lines cross back again into same side of zero as the continuing 5min signal)

and then of course you will get 2-3 or more currencies all giving the same trade signal when the tag team really diverges away from the Zero on a big risk play in the markets

so the answer is plenty of signals if I took them all - and thats just using the basic scalp rules :eek:
(naturally after more than a year of playing we now have many many variations on MA/Delta settings and entry values)

you can fine tune a little by introducing the DJ as an (inverse) confirmation of the Tag move....ive explained this a lot on the thread I think now....

and you can again fine tune when you look at the pair signalled by only trading if decent Price Action is being seen/confirmed and using common sence regarding entry points...

but it doesnt stop there........

I like the USDJPY trade a lot and would certainly add that to the mix (commented on a few months back on thread)

and in truth i'm a sucker for a big move on either CAD or the GBP regardless of what the Tag team are doing - as their mega volatilities (assuming they follow through) will always generate pippage even if the USD moves in their same direction

this is before we discuss higher Timeframes - which I (we) could trade on the scalper settings still using 2 timeframes (eg a 4h and 1h for confirmation). :sleep::sleep:

Yes folks - I wish i could, but i just cant get comfortable with higher Timeframes.....I want pips and I want them NOW

gut feel tells me 3-5 decent scalps an hour targeting an average of 5 net pips a trade (some will be better if I get a decent legup/run and some will be culled rapidly on small losses) averaging 20+ pips an hour (net) would be just grand for me (based on naturally allocating a fairly decent $ per pip stake) - but it would also be very hard work as a lot of concentration is needed and hesitation is not tolerated.....and I would need to get some experience under my belt again before seriously hitting the pedal and trading with real money.

but we have the core system/rules here - we just have to follow it and become totally at one and effortless with using it - like a fighter pilot is with his plane.

Remember in trading its not the pips you make....its how much you bet per pip that pays the bills

theres people out there boasting hundreds of pips a trade , but thats relatively easy if you gear up to the 4h charts and above with big big stop losses in place ....and of course ease back your $ per pip to peanuts (as any realistic trader must do as % of pot)

why a wait a day (and all the incredible events than can happen in 24 hours) for the same $ return you could deliver in a good hours focused scalping ?

Is that ok Adamus......ive forgotten the question ? hahahaha : :p



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Bugger! It galls me to confess that I cannot get the Scalper version to show up - it just gives a blank pane. The regular FXCORRELATOR works - even TRO's version works but the Scalper won't work on MT4 from ODL, MB Trading, FXCM nor FXDD (I thought I'd try at least four..) Is there anything obvious I might be doing wrong? I'm not an MQL coder but I've been playing with Metatrader since back in the days when half the help files were in Russian - I know my way around it regard DLL imports on etc..
I guess my problems are the kinda stuff that come from not reading the thread.... ;) . Anyway, it seems my problems came from the additional 'gbp' appended to the symbols in the code. All sorted now.

Might I suggest a bit of version control? Version numbers and sub-numbers?
I guess my problems are the kinda stuff that come from not reading the thread.... ;) . Anyway, it seems my problems came from the additional 'gbp' appended to the symbols in the code. All sorted now.

Might I suggest a bit of version control? Version numbers and sub-numbers?

hey Noodles

glad youre in ...........

i'll keep that link below in the signature up to date so no issues

now go'll love it (y)

hey Tigloo

Muchos Gracias - just sent you a pm with those new charts (y)

many thanks again
mornin all.....:sleep:

usual stuff overnight......those DJ30 breaches will help show what next for the tag team

good luck.....(y)


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hi all

manic today at work ...............:eek:

nice trades on E/U today ............



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I seem to have had one of those beginners luck experiences and plucked 3 from 3 on the CADJPY for 80+ pips. It was only on a single mini but using real money makes a fella take it seriously... I chose the CAD & JPY because of their obvious diverging angles of decline/rise at the times of entry in the hope that momentum would pay off. It seems to have worked beautifully in these examples... I suspect it's not always this easy.. :)

CADJPY - FXCorrelator 5min 01-07-2010 .jpg
I seem to have had one of those beginners luck experiences and plucked 3 from 3 on the CADJPY for 80+ pips. It was only on a single mini but using real money makes a fella take it seriously... I chose the CAD & JPY because of their obvious diverging angles of decline/rise at the times of entry in the hope that momentum would pay off. It seems to have worked beautifully in these examples... I suspect it's not always this easy.. :)

View attachment 86468

umm - you follow the rules and overall you make money - thats it (y)

couple of comments though :-

always confirm the entry with a similar signal on lower Tf (1 min)

always make sure the DJ30 is moving generally in inverse direction to the Yen (and we hope the usd also follows the yen as well)

I find the yen, the CAD and the GBP are the most volatile dudes in the pack so be careful on a pairtrade will either fly (as above) or you will get killed on the retrace (inevitably as you enter !)

I do like the CAD and the GBP, and invariably if one gets a big move on its worth a punt (regardless of the tag positioning) - although at these low TF's the spread penalties have to push you to using the USD as the opposing currency to trade...i'm rusty on yen spreads...although 80 pips probably covers things :LOL:

welcome to the family - theres more of us out there than you think........

can wait to introduce you to the Stigman (JRP) whos on holiday at the moment...80 pips without any experience at all hahahahahah :clap:

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Hi all

crazy week at work..........and still going :eek:

will try to get some more screentime tomorrow/weekend for all
PM's i'm getting - promise (y)

I seem to have had one of those beginners luck experiences and plucked 3 from 3 on the CADJPY for 80+ pips. It was only on a single mini but using real money makes a fella take it seriously... I chose the CAD & JPY because of their obvious diverging angles of decline/rise at the times of entry in the hope that momentum would pay off. It seems to have worked beautifully in these examples... I suspect it's not always this easy.. :)

View attachment 86468

If you want to do some pip gathering, in a hurry, try EUR/CAD. This really moves,

Unfortunately, some of the rip-off Spread Betting Cos will quote you a spread of 10 or more. If you can get 4-6, it's well worth waiting for EUR and CAD to be on opposite sides of the Corrie zero line and then pull the trigger.

It's not a scalper's trading instrument but, it gives up some serious pips. Like today:D
I think I may have given the impression that I'm a beginner - I'm not really. Actually I've been trading for 7 years. Hell, I've even been a (very quiet) member of T2W since May 2004 :) . I've fallen down all the same holes as everybody else and learned to only trade the majors on my spreadbet account - and even then only for swing trades where the spread is less important. I actually traded these CADJPY trades through MB Trading and was getting around 2 - 3 pips.

I've fiddled with a few strength meters of different types over recent years as I too believe it makes sense to trade currencies as individuals - weak against strong. All I did was see Neils comments over at FF and was drawn over for a nosey around...
hey all heres market as I trundle to work...........



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