Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

Correlation, today, has been absent on some of our favourite pairs.

I don't remember the last time I saw GBP/USD soaring upwards and EUR/JPY dropping like a stone. Very strange:?:
hey all

i'm back and have been saving / backing up all my Metatrader and template files for the last hour before doing the IP address changes that ODL requested to reboot the platform

I just fired her up and (unlike the last 3 times in 2 years) this time the indicators all stuck in the folders and I did not revert back to a basic metatrader skeleton set of folders :clap:(y)

unfortunately got to go home now - but looks like some opportunities were out there today :

interesting comments from Alan.....i'll have a look tomorrow morning

mornin all.............:sleep:

if you are a night bird been some lovely moves on the commdolls (y)

i'm loving the divergence on the USD vs JPY as well



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Correlation, today, has been absent on some of our favourite pairs.

I don't remember the last time I saw GBP/USD soaring upwards and EUR/JPY dropping like a stone. Very strange:?:

hey Alan - you're right (y)



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I lurve the black swan boys (an 80's pop band ?) :cool:

anyway heres their take on the runners and riders for the next USD move

me?..........I tend to let the charts tell me what to do:smart:

the picture is some (unashamed) embellishment from me on their USD INDEX chart

Remember - The FXcorrelator on a high ma setting (eg 1000/1) is basically an index chart.....but we can go down to 1min levels unlike most index charts available commercially.....

We trade/follow individual currency signals here (and not currency pair signals)......why make it twice as hard hard ? :smart:

later - busy as usual :cry:


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better and better ..............


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heres the mornings action in video.........

gotta go duty calls
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I see a big big thread on these dudes and they are still around ......good luck to them

the corrie Scalper is free though (???).........Jees I really gotta charge :p



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I am confused gang............:?:

Maybe i just dont sell it hard enough :rolleyes:

Maybe i am charging to much and should pay people to use it :sneaky:

Maybe I need to fire my Marketing manager and get a new one

lets see if we can audition a few :p

until then - suck on these signals..... and remember there are 5 other currencies we are always eyeballing when the Yen and USD get together on same side of the Zero, so if the Euro was not the best option we would have ignored it on these charts and traded something else (or multiple traded) :smart:



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    the free corrie Scalper on EURUSD 4h.jpg
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morning action concluded .........

jees.... over 100pips available on USDCAD alone !! (y)



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what am i doing working for a living ? :p

this recessionary climate is going to see them all coming out the woodwork............



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DJ UP = look to sell tag team



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dont be fooled.......keep on the sells of tag until that DJ starts showing signs of falling

dont be drawn into buys :smart:

nice commdol buys at moment



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All credit to you Neil. It would appear you've created a very nice tool and method here and have been generous enough to give it for free. I have a problem though - where the hell to start. This thread is at 3500 posts.... Yes I know I could read it - there's no substitute for that, but I'm not going to and neither are most others new to the thread.

Is it possible to direct me and others new to thread to the current 'state of the art' - latest indicator versions, settings etc? Even better link to the latest versions/settings etc of Post #1. Otherwise it just comes across as a jumble to those that haven't grown with it's evolution. Of course you can tell me to **** off and do the hard work but I'm assuming your promotion of this over at FF means you want to raise its profile.

ps - You might wanna get yourself a mic for those videos and give your voice a go ;)
All credit to you Neil. It would appear you've created a very nice tool and method here and have been generous enough to give it for free. I have a problem though - where the hell to start. This thread is at 3500 posts.... Yes I know I could read it - there's no substitute for that, but I'm not going to and neither are most others new to the thread.

Is it possible to direct me and others new to thread to the current 'state of the art' - latest indicator versions, settings etc? Even better link to the latest versions/settings etc of Post #1. Otherwise it just comes across as a jumble to those that haven't grown with it's evolution. Of course you can tell me to **** off and do the hard work but I'm assuming your promotion of this over at FF means you want to raise its profile.

ps - You might wanna get yourself a mic for those videos and give your voice a go ;)

Hey Noodles:

you are 100% correct (y)

I will speak at some point on the vids (god help you all :rolleyes:)

And i will be creating a summary version of this monster on a new T2W thread...umm soon

Theres a commercial version to come where I offer the advanced stuff but just cannot get the time to move this along at the moment and the admin side is a pain (have you guys ever tried to get these stupid freebee forums to work ?)

its funny......

The FXCorrelator started off as me playing with some Basic Strengthmeter ideas and trying to formulate a systems from it.....

The Thread started off with me thinking perhaps a month and then it would die

The Videos started off as I wanted to publish something and see how the whole thing worked on youtube

so the story continues.........thanks for the kick though...needed ! (y)

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All credit to you Neil. It would appear you've created a very nice tool and method here and have been generous enough to give it for free. I have a problem though - where the hell to start. This thread is at 3500 posts.... Yes I know I could read it - there's no substitute for that, but I'm not going to and neither are most others new to the thread.

Is it possible to direct me and others new to thread to the current 'state of the art' - latest indicator versions, settings etc? Even better link to the latest versions/settings etc of Post #1. Otherwise it just comes across as a jumble to those that haven't grown with it's evolution. Of course you can tell me to **** off and do the hard work but I'm assuming your promotion of this over at FF means you want to raise its profile.

ps - You might wanna get yourself a mic for those videos and give your voice a go ;)

here they are ...i'll attach this post to my signature line as well

The latest instructions.....(what do you want for free :rolleyes: )

The Latest FXCorrelator indicator (dont forget to add into the appropriate setting any special currency prefixs of your broker feeds – (eg GBPUSD gbp , or GBPUSDm ) - see attachment below

Tigloo (Till) revamped this and its a superb upgraded version - (Thanks Till - our programming genius :smart:)



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