Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

hey all

slow morning in the markets ........usd bull plays .....cads got short so far ......most stuff rangy ................only EA long and ucad long been of interest to me .....poss shorting EU as well......ZZZZ

nice nice bull usd now .......easy scalping on usd pairs when offered
3 geeks are hired to refit the security and alarm systems in a large shopping Mall

after a few days they are real real bored so decide to have some fun using the systems they have installed

they agree to take bets on who can predict the most footfall through the main entrance area to the mall .......(I said they were geeks)

after 5 days of running the data using the new systems fitted - they were all ready to make their bets for the following day

the night before they all opened their predictions.......

Geek 1 - based on my datasets produced i have deduced that the peak time will be between 11.45am and Mid-day ..i wish to bet on that 15 minute period

Geek 2 - based on my datasets produced i have deduced that the peak time will be between 3.45pm and 4pm ..i wish to bet on that 15 minute period

Geek 3 - its very obvious to me that the peak time tomorrow will be between 11am and 11.15 am ......i'll take that 15 minute period

the next day Geek 3 was the winner by a landslide.............why ?
because at 11am the next day they had a fire alarm drill and all were evacuated from the shopping mall

and the moral of this story ? ...............well you figure it out :)
london doing ok ........

usd got bull ........and gbp running north as well so far
main sells yen for a while and now the euro is falling

play the pairs as you see them sells best so far from 6am

Gbp dumped earlier whilst usd has held bull status brainer selling GU from 2950 levels to 2910 so far
morning .....

good solid bull usd this morning so far ......great platform to scalp from .....

AUD a strong bull as well early london

good scalps on GU and EU + the bonus ball was EA sells

morning all

slowish london so far for a friday

usd and yen now the buys .........cad selling ........europe bull/neutral.......gbp coming south now

ucad buys ben ok ......EA buys .......EJ sells warming up

have a good day
hey gang .....been away for the weekend .....back to business now

london session so far .......

strong shows from AUD and CAD .......euro and swissie selling

usd and others rangy so far ...usd now bullish

EA sells my alpha scap pair so far ......easy solid selling

what a nice london morning .....doesnt get easier than this !!!

usd delivered 40+ pips north with Yen following ........GBP got south to -40 as well from 6am london

if you cant make money on a 80 pip GU drop then consider another career ? :)



  • g8 london session 22 aug.JPG
    g8 london session 22 aug.JPG
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