Concept FX

For the record, Goldline was run by Mark Harniman (sp) and the main sales guy was Gerry Lannen. They also released the intellitrend250 system. Mark Harniman did post here once, on one of the Goldline threads iirc

Neither of these developed (the code) the systems, that was all done by a guy called Paul Martin.

The actual ltd company behind these was folded in Feburary 09.
For the record, Goldline was run by Mark Harniman (sp) and the main sales guy was Gerry Lannen. They also released the intellitrend250 system. Mark Harniman did post here once, on one of the Goldline threads iirc

Neither of these developed (the code) the systems, that was all done by a guy called Paul Martin.

The actual ltd company behind these was folded in Feburary 09.

Re Mark Harniman:

In fact just google the name, read it and weep.
This just gets better and better:
Business Opportunity Watch

How to avoid the scams and
Discover which home business opportunities work the best

Contains this gem:

Issue No. 30
Get all our unbiased reviews straightaway with our FREE TRIAL OFFER or
Buy any review in this issue for £3

- Barrington Whyte Consumer Credit Services Mark Hodgson, Peter Carbert, Chris Douglas, Challenor Properties, Chek Whyte
- Be Sure Direct insurance franchise
- Concept FX Mark Harniman- 😱

So an unbiased review of Concept FX by one of the people behind it? Probably?
Hi people,

Just thought I'd drop in during an idle moment! I see Steve is still rooting for Concept!!! Extraordinary. Are they paying you commission? And others are still on the fence as to whether to waste some money on it. Also extraordinary. Buying it was possibly the worst trading mistake I ever made and dumping it the best (up till then). Now pulling in a very steady 5% a week with EAs. I do mean steady. No worries.

Guys, get real! Concept doesn't "have rough patches". It is rough.
Correction to my earlier post.
Business Opportunity Watch

How to avoid the scams and
Discover which home business opportunities work the best

Issue No. 30
- Concept FX Mark Harniman- 😱

So an unbiased review of Concept FX by one of the people behind it? Probably?

I posted the above recently. At the prompting of the owner of the above site and having messaged with some of the other posters here I reckon I got it wrong. The review above was NOT authored by Mark Harniman and in fact gave Concept 0/10. :clap:

So kudos to them for that.

So credit where credit is due "" are as far as I can tell, exactly what they say. Independent, reliable and in kosher every way.
Cheers Phil, thanks for putting things straight - at least we now have conclusive proof that ConceptFX is yet another Mark Harniman pile of s*** and was rated 0/10.
Information that may, or may not be of interest.

Got a mail from Concept a while back. Re read it the other day. Found this thread.

Did a bit of digging.

INFORMATION ABOUT US is a site operated TradeWin Publications Ltd, a limited company registered in England and Wales ("We").

From Companies House:
TradeWin has been dissolved.

The new co behind Concept is Parallel Line Publishing (as mentioned elsewhere in this thread.)
Also from Cos House

More to follow. Naming names. Etc.
Cheers Phil, thanks for putting things straight - at least we now have conclusive proof that ConceptFX is yet another Mark Harniman pile of s*** and was rated 0/10.

Concept-FX is nothing to do with Mark Harniman.
Do you have any idea why his name is next to the product review on the business review site mentioned earlier in the thread?

His name was mentioned because in the review (as per the link in one of the posts) the author draws similarities between the Concept-FX system and those that were offered by Mark Harniman in the past. Namely: Goldine, Asset18, Selecta7 etc.

The similarities were surrounding the wording used in the literature & T&C's by ConceptFX, they were alarmingly similar. However the review did go on to say that there was no (legel) link between Concept & Mr Harniman that could be found.

Whether Concept took the Goldine terminology and copied it is difficult to prove but the most probable explanation.
I have to disagree with you Slapshot - the most probable explanation is that Goldline and Tradewin were connected and therefore the link between the known partnership of Tradewin and Concept FX is Mark Harniman...!

The marketing, the price and even the product profiles all match exactly.
His name was mentioned because in the review (as per the link in one of the posts) the author draws similarities between the Concept-FX system and those that were offered by Mark Harniman in the past. Namely: Goldine, Asset18, Selecta7 etc.

The similarities were surrounding the wording used in the literature & T&C's by ConceptFX, they were alarmingly similar. However the review did go on to say that there was no (legel) link between Concept & Mr Harniman that could be found.

Whether Concept took the Goldine terminology and copied it is difficult to prove but the most probable explanation.

And how does one find this Mr Harniman then? :innocent:
I have to disagree with you Slapshot - the most probable explanation is that Goldline and Tradewin were connected and therefore the link between the known partnership of Tradewin and Concept FX is Mark Harniman...!

The marketing, the price and even the product profiles all match exactly.

Disagree all you like it matters not to me as i do not own Concept or have any interest in purchasing it. But to state someone is part of something just because, pricing and terminology or advertising are in some way similar doesn't automatically connect them.

Companies house records state that Mark Harniman is not, was not, nor has ever been a director of anything to do with Tradewin or Concept-FX. I have had this verified through my accountant.

Whether he has invested through someone else (namely someone connected to the company) is near enough impossible to trace.
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I didn't see this one - how do you know that?

Well, I'll put it another way: He's not connected to them from a directorship/holding company ownership perspective, meaning a legal perspective.

Whether he is involved through someone else (i.e someone who is part of the organisation) is very difficult to trace, if not impossible.

What everyone needs to remember here is that these types of systems have been around for a long time in one guise or another. It doesn't take much effort to set one up, market it properly and get people to part with >£5000. It would be naive to think that only Mark Harniman is capable of it.
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Makes no difference to me either - I've never considered buying Concept - but to say 'Concept-FX is nothing to do with Mark Harniman' is quite a statement unless you have first hand knowledge.

You went to a lot of trouble for someone who has no interest in purchasing it.

Everyone knows you don't have to be listed as a director to still be at the helm of a company - ask your accountant....
Makes no difference to me either - I've never considered buying Concept - but to say 'Concept-FX is nothing to do with Mark Harniman' is quite a statement unless you have first hand knowledge.

You went to a lot of trouble for someone who has no interest in purchasing it.

Everyone knows you don't have to be listed as a director to still be at the helm of a company - ask your accountant....

I've followed this thread since it started back in 2008 and have regularly watched it since. I admit that their figures in the early days were good and I was impressed, but I've been burnt before with systems, so I never parted with my cash. It's been interesting to follow the events over the past 18 months or so and to watch how the product has performed.

I agree that the similarities between Concept and other software of the same ilk is uncanny, and, perhaps somehow somewhere, there is a link with Mark Harniman. All I can say is based on the research I've done, which really wasn't very much effort at all, is that I can't find a concrete one. Also, I didn't receive any communication from Goldline at the time I was a member (2+ years ago) about Tradewin, and they were very fast to promote trading their other products such as Intellitrend250 & CommodityTrader. All we have is similarities with the literature, pricing, wording etc. I've not done this research with a view to buying Concept, just purely out of curiosity because of this thread and previously owning Goldine.

I think there's been enough negativity on this thread with the losing runs to give those still undecided some perspective. There are also some who have followed the system to the letter and seem to be doing Ok. I'm curious to know what the latest results are given that the system was being offered for £995 on the last mailshot I received from them.

It doesn't matter whether Mark harniman is involved or not, there will always be someone out there trying to sell something at an extortionate price in the Trading industry. Unfortunately due to the clever wording of the T&C's the FSA can't do a great deal. This site is scattered with threads of such systems going back years. The decision to purchase is an individual one, hopefully with sites like this those uninformed traders (or wanna be traders) can make an informed decision.
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