the alert was posted on the software..then taken off as it didnt hit the target entry level..
the way we know this is....there are only 6 FOREX they trade....so its a screen of the 6 pairs...if there is no alerts on, the pairs are set to white and u set a check box to none(no alerts)..if there is an alert pending and u havnt set ur alert to pending it glows green....
if how ever u set it to pending it turns blue...
blue indicates that u have ur alert screen the same as theres....green means the pair has an alert pending or open but u have not set ur screen to pending or open....red means..the trade is finished or taken off and u havnt set ur pair to 'none'
they dont tell u how much to put on but advise 5% of your bank....so they reckon you can have 20 bad trades on a run before getting wiped..but ur broker wont allow that due to slippage and margin.
that alert shown was on the 29th...we get the alerts updated every night at 8.30 gmt...last night 3 were pending and this morning one was triggered...one was 2 pips away from getting triggered and one is still 100 pips away
the one which was triggered is 40 pips to the good just now but the objective at the moment is 220 pips..this may run a cpl of days yet? or it might revers and get stopped out..
clear as mud?..lol