Concept FX

thanks guys...yes the signals come thru after an EOD analysis..we get them via the software between 8pm and 8.30pm GMt..with all the entry exit info...but!! i will let you software (or scam) arrives today..and if its a scam just think of the money ive saved u lot ...
I received an email ad for this today, via Traders' mag. Usual claims - any T2W veterans with experience of it? Sounds like a genuine post above. I'll be interested to see a sequel post in a few months' time!
It always seems to me that if I had a genuinely effective system, I wouldn't bother selling it, I'd just use it...

I think if they were to charge a monthly subscription more people would give it a go. And if it does what it says it does then they would be raking it in!

I am still a little bit tentative and don' think I am going to be trying it!!
and for the person that said the success rate was 50% this is possibly right but the ones that did win were far higher than the losses.

The thing is, if a "system" has a 50% success rate you don't need to spend thousands of pounds buying it - you just need to flip a coin: heads you buy, tails you sell. Probablilty theory says if you do it enough times, you'll be right half the time. Set tight stops and let your winners run and you'll be in profit.
One day when I have time I'm going to try this theory on a demo account - ignore all my charts and theories and just enter & exit several markets on a coin flip constantly for a few hours. If it gave a profit, my growing suspicion that an awful lot of TA is optimistic self-delusion would start to look worryingly credible!
thanks guys...yes the signals come thru after an EOD analysis..we get them via the software between 8pm and 8.30pm GMt..with all the entry exit info...but!! i will let you software (or scam) arrives today..and if its a scam just think of the money ive saved u lot ...

I think (and hope) you will be ok... and I get a sneaky feeling that Concept FX wouldnt lie on their website since ultimately someone would spot the discrepancies and then they would be RUINED with the legal backlash so (for me) thats good enough reason to believe that they're not lying.

Somone else said earlier about some of the results being too perfect... i think it was Gamma.... where he said that some of the profits were entered on day's lows and exited on highs... yeah htat seems fishy to me ... to me, the entry level could be determined the previous day and the trigger could be set to a BUY-IF level... cant explain the exit at day's highs...

All the very best !! Keep us posted !! 👍


Why don't you post the signals and fills you get, might be interesting to see a forward tested trade record
lol...u want me to spend my money on the system and then give u the alerts??..tch why ddint i think of doing that..dont mean to be only a fool in ur eyes for buying a system instead of studying to make my own system..
lol...u want me to spend my money on the system and then give u the alerts??..tch why ddint i think of doing that..dont mean to be only a fool in ur eyes for buying a system instead of studying to make my own system..

You also might be breaking some unknown license agreement that is hidden in the small print.
If they find out that you are broadcasting their alerts on a public forum they will probably stop sending you the alerts.
Having spoken to you extensively I have got to know you a bit and believe your first suggestion of posting the trades after you have completed them is the best.
I would love it if you post the alerts as well ... 😆😆:cheesy::cheesy:😆😆
lol...u want me to spend my money on the system and then give u the alerts??..tch why ddint i think of doing that..dont mean to be only a fool in ur eyes for buying a system instead of studying to make my own system..

I never called you a fool.

You don't have to post them live, after the fact with entries/exit , profit/loss would do. Maybe you can have the last laugh...............
yes as ive said i will post after the fact......i wanted to do this as there were many people doubting the system that didnt have it..maybe rightly so...but at least u can get first hand facts...if u believe me!..and the system must be better than my own trading flip of a coin
..and the system must be better than my own trading flip of a coin
Not necessarily! (The following is from Index Funds)
"From the transcript of the PBS Nova Special, The Trillion Dollar Bet, Boston University Professor of Economics, Zvi Bodie (Bodie research) put it this way, "In flipping a coin, if you flip it long enough, there may be a long run of heads, which doesn't at all imply that the person flipping it had the ability to make it come up heads. It could just be the luck of the toss."

Narrator: This strange view arose from an unexpected discovery. After the stock market crash of 1929, economists decided to find out whether traders really could predict how prices moved by looking at past patterns. They decided to run a series of experiments. In one of them they simply picked stocks at random. They threw darts at the Wall Street Journal while blindfolded. At the end of the year, this random choice outperformed the predictions of top traders. This was a revelation: prices must be moving totally at random, and although patterns came and went, they were there by chance alone and had no predictive value. The economists arrived at a devastating conclusion: it seemed just as plausible to attribute the success of top traders to sheer luck rather than skill.

Zvi Bodie: "When some individual made a fortune in the stock market, we have a tendency to assume that that was because he knew something, and of course the individual himself is happy to reinforce that belief - yes, I was a genius, or I was very clever, or I always said Microsoft was going to make me rich. But what you don't see are the thousands, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people who are going, I always said that ABC company was going to make me rich, and ABC company went bust."

The answer was first given over 100 years ago, on March 29, 1900, by Louis Bachelier, in his landmark study on the Theory of Speculation. This has since been documented by hundreds of other researchers. Investors are either too lazy, uninterested in learning, or else they rely on some "stock market expert." They operate like gamblers in Vegas, hoping that their skill, which is really just luck, will lead them to market beating returns. As shown below, studies show the average investor only gets eighteen percent of the market returns."

Best of luck with it though.
ok chaps here loaded and it has 3 alerts on the go..but one just hit its objective so i can reveal was eurusd with an entry of sell 1.5745 and a stop of 1.5775 with an objective of 1.5580..making 165 pips..the trade will be stopped by the people following the sytem but as u will see its another 17 pips lower as i type..once the other 2 have triggered i will post the same
Did you get the trade on?
If my calculations are correct ,trade started to drop around 4:30 am and by about 7:40 am
hit the target of 1.5580. Is that correct ? I am a bit new to this and may be wrong.
If not congratulations.This is a most interesting thread.Please keep us informed of your progress.
Just another thought,If one buys this system and it doesn't work,can one not claim back the money from the credit card company as the system didn't do as claimed?
hi revenge..I dodnt know when the alert was triggered so i am not sure when it hit its objective..i just looked at the recent price and assumed it was this lunchtime..and no i never got on..still sussing it out and waiting for fresh for claiming your money is a guide ..u make ur own mind up whether to beleive it or not and its your own risk not concepts...heck im sounding like one of their salesmen now!..but like any alert system its you who decides to take their alerts or not
hi revenge..I dodnt know when the alert was triggered so i am not sure when it hit its objective..i just looked at the recent price and assumed it was this lunchtime..and no i never got on..still sussing it out and waiting for fresh for claiming your money is a guide ..u make ur own mind up whether to beleive it or not and its your own risk not concepts...heck im sounding like one of their salesmen now!..but like any alert system its you who decides to take their alerts or not

Andy. I wish you luck with the system. As I mentioned, previously, I attended a demo but, decided against purchasing. One occurrence which bothered me was the presence of a losing trade, which wasn't mentioned during the demo. I happened to notice it and got the response "oh yes- that was a loser but, the system is very profitable overall". As a footnote, they have 200 users @ £4k a pop. Good business for them.
Hello everyone,
New member.
Just had a chat with someone from Concept-FX and he explained the system over the phone using a couple of slides sent via e-mail. Seems expensive and I am sceptical as I too wonder why the creators don't use the system for themselves if it is really works that well. I just got the feeling that they were quite happy for me not to visit their offices.

Their company is Tradewin Publications I think. Doesn't that sound similar to the name of this website?
Why did several of you accuse the guy who simply asked 'Has anyone used the system' of scamming or spamming the concept fx system? I too would have asked that question, but I am glad he did.

Seems that I better give conceptfx a wide berth. All their results are not done on a live or demo account. It is simply the results one would supposedly get if one followed their alerts.
By the way they offered me a £1000 discount and one years free subscription, but I declined.
One guy I spoke to actually told me that the feed they supply for an annual charge of £500, they actually get from free sources. Don't think he was mean't to tell me that.