Hi both,
Apologies, I assumed cant's "....like the Brexit referendum you mean?" post was a joke and treated it as such, hence my quip. Other than the similarity in numbers, there's no comparison to be made between my 51 liars and 49 truth tellers question to Tom - and the referendum. Obviously, all those that voted leave aren't liars and all those that voted remain aren't truth tellers - and visa versa. Tom's position appears to be that he goes with the majority view - any majority view - he doesn't much care what it is. If we apply this to the markets, would he go long an index or stock simply because the majority view is that it will rise? I very much doubt it! I imagine he would look at the respective cases for going long and short and then arrive at his own decision which, likely as not, will be the opposite of the majority view. For reasons I don't understand, he's unwilling to apply the same critical process to climate change - and it's that that I was challenging.
cant' - I don't want to go off topic about brexit on a climate change thread but, very briefly, I seriously doubt that brexit will 'usher in a new dawn'. Indeed, I doubt anything will change very much - regardless of whether we're in or out of the EU. What will change - and what I care about deeply - is the state our parliamentary democracy will find itself in if brexit isn't perceived to have been delivered by the majority of those that voted for it. (Please note emphasis - very important.) Whether or not it's actually delivered is largely neither here nor there. If you wish to pursue this topic - may I suggest we do so on the brexit thread?