Climate Change

Here is the reality of Chinese "green" products.

A non-partisan research post - London
Global Warming - Putin after his Delhi India visit

How Britain’s Met Office works the 'Climate Change' racket; a look at the mechanics of the thing​

What does the Meteorological Office in London mean when they announce that temperatures are higher than average or above normal for the time of year?


“The Climate Scare Will Crumble Sooner Than You Expect”: An Interview With Climate: The Movie Producer Tom Nelson

“You don’t have to be a climatologist. You don’t have to have a degree. Just an ordinary person who can read data and use Google and look at graphs – you can check all these alarming things yourself,” Tom Nelson says. “It’s a complete crock. All of it. Every single bit of anything alarming you’ve heard about the climate and CO2 causing bad weather, it’s all a complete baloney. Not true and no evidence supports it.”

BBC Hails Green Election Letter From “408 Climate Scientists” Signed by Psychologists, Accountants and Landscape Designers

As always, if you 'follow the money' - it inevitably leads to those with skin in the game and the most to gain from promoting the agenda come mantra of the day, be it 'safe and effective', 'Putin's unprovoked invasion' or, as in this case, '97% consensus among scientists on climate change'. In the U.K. one of the main people behind this nonsense is billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham who openly advocates: "You should lobby your Government officials – invest in an election and buy some politicians. I am happy to say we do quite a bit of that at the Grantham Foundation… any candidate as long as they are green."

Net Zero Will Prevent Almost Zero Warming, Say Three Top Atmospheric Scientists

Recent calculations by the distinguished atmospheric scientists Richard Lindzen, William Happer and William van Wijngaarden suggest that if the entire world eliminated net carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 it would avert warming of an almost unmeasurable 0.07°C. Even assuming the climate modelled feedbacks and temperature opinions of the politicised Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the rise would be only 0.28°C. Year Zero would have been achieved along with the destruction of economic and social life for eight billion people on Planet Earth. “It would be hard to find a better example of a policy of all pain and no gain,” note the scientists.

Will climate change make insurance too expensive?​

Other parts of the world have also been hit by increasingly extreme weather events that cause serious destruction, and Germany is no exception. It experiences floods, storms, droughts and fires. The German Meteorological Service warns that such extreme events will grow more frequent, resulting in even greater destruction, affecting more and more people.

"The amount of insured damage resulting from natural disasters now annually totals around $100 billion worldwide, " Rauch told DW. "Eighty to 90% of these damages are weather-related."
The climate scaremongers: Proof that our Net Zero drive is pointless

". . . The message is stark. While Western countries are slowly moving away from fossil fuels, the rest of the world have made it clear that they are not concerned about climate change, real or imaginary. Their only priority is to grow their economies and improve the lot of their people. For this they need abundant and cheap energy, something that renewables cannot supply. . ."