Climate Change

UK 'Corporate' Greens turn on their own, yes there is a climate emergency, but not because of CO2, but because we might be about to enter a Grand Solar Minimum.

UK 'Corporate' Greens turn on their own, yes there is a climate emergency, but not because of CO2, but because we might be about to enter a Grand Solar Minimum.

You can see the that the controlled group discussion format is a precursor to the Citizens Assembly idea. Totally fake undemocratic setup being proposed by XR and globalist climate emergency proponents using civil servants.

'XR business' - what a joke.
UN report states that even with $trillions spent every year, global temperatures will still rise and where are those $trillions going exactly? Social engineering on a massive scale for what?

Largely wasting valuable money resources by spending it wrongly.
Guys, we like it or not, meat is the worst when it comes to climate change.
Agriculture - together with forestry - accounts for about a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions. Livestock rearing contributes to global warming through the methane gas the animals produce, but also via deforestation to expand pastures, for example.
Reducing meet consumption is literally the most powerful impact you can make.
Now back to trading:

100% disagree 😉
The Brat has been speaking again today.
Brazilian President doesn't seem to like her much!

In the words of a well known stand-up (where I get all my wisdom) "We all know the Victorians said children should be seen but not heard. Now we all know that was way too lenient."
In the words of a well known stand-up (where I get all my wisdom) "We all know the Victorians said children should be seen but not heard. Now we all know that was way too lenient."
Father heard his children scream,
So he threw them in the stream,
Saying (as he drowned the third)
Children should be seen not heard

from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"
Father heard his children scream,
So he threw them in the stream,
Saying (as he drowned the third)
Children should be seen not heard

from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

Mother heard her children shout
As she raced to pull them out
Saying (as she saved the third)
Children should be seen AND heard
Mother heard her children shout
As she raced to pull them out
Saying (as she saved the third)
Children should be seen AND heard

Never heard that bit. Sounds uncharacterisatically PC 🙂

I was brought up on Ruthless Rhymes (which probably accounts for some of my more extreme pronouncements) and I wasn't aware there was a second part. I've still got the book tucked away somewhere, complete with 3 generations of scribblings...

For some reason this made me think of the following - which is not a Ruthless Rhyme but a blast from the past nonetheless and may resonate with those who use a feline trading aid:

Quick, quick!
The cat's been sick!
Where, where?
Under the chair.
Hasten, hasten,
Fetch a basin!
Alas! Alack!
All in vain,
The cat has licked it up again....
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Or, for those that remember the Iron Lady

Maggie heard young Greta scream
So she threw her in the stream
Saying (whilst she was raging)
“This climate’s NOT for changing”
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Or, for those that remember the Iron Lady

Maggie heard young Greta scream
So she threw her in the stream
Saying (whilst she was raging)
“This climates NOT for changing”
You have rare talent Jon! Talk about hiding your light under a bushel, eh?
First, ice cores show that in the glacial spring-time the temperature rose BEFORE the CO2 levels rose. Therefore the rising CO2 cannot be a CAUSE of the warming – it is a RESULT of CO2 being expelled from the warming oceans.

Second, at the top of every summer-time in the glacial cycle, the high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere were unable to prevent the cooling into the next cycle of ice.

We are already in the autumn of the current glacial cycle and nothing man can do will change that.

Global temperatures today are lower than they were in Roman and Medieval times.

They will still fluctuate with the effects of daily, lunar, yearly and sun-spot cycles, but the long-term trend of maximum and minimum temperatures will continue drifting downwards.

Once summer temperatures in places like Siberia are unable to melt last winter’s snow, the already growing glaciers will join to form ice sheets and Earth will once again be gripped by another long Glacial Winter.

The transition from Greenhouse Earth to Ice-house Earth always occurs suddenly. Once our verdant greenhouse is gone, life on Earth will never be the same again. Greenhouse Earth will surely come around again, but many of today’s species will probably not survive to welcome the return of the warmth.

The warm days, seasons, years and epochs have never been a deadly threat to life on Earth. Frost, snow, hail and ice are the killers.

If our descendants do not have the energy, resources and wisdom to keep their people warm and fed through the coming glacial epoch, humans may follow our Neanderthal cousins who perished in the last glacial winter, just 20,000 years ago.
If our descendants do not have the energy, resources and wisdom to keep their people warm and fed through the coming glacial epoch, humans may follow our Neanderthal cousins who perished in the last glacial winter, just 20,000 years ago.
Sooo.... the Marshall Islands and Venice are going to be OK after all (or at least for a few thousand years) as the sea-levels continue to drop, as they have been...right?
Sooo.... the Marshall Islands and Venice are going to be OK after all (or at least for a few thousand years) as the sea-levels continue to drop, as they have been...right?

I can see a chink of light in that climate emergency armour you're wearing 😀

Time to step down soldier.
I can see a chink of light in that climate emergency armour you're wearing 😀

Time to step down soldier.'s the Third Light that gets you killed mate....

....and what I'm wearing underneath is nobody's business - after all, it's nearly 2020.