So, let me get this straight, if you are a minority interest group, without mainstream support, the only way you can be heard is by creating a fake emergency, protesting illegally to get your point across and by creating a global hysteria. And by doing so, you think that your minority view will be adopted by the mainstream to become the majority view, even if you disrupt to the point where you lose public support?
That's why the green party have consistently polled nowhere for 30 years, and continue to do so?
That's why there is sudden backing by billionaires, because for 30 years they have supported this minority view also but done nothing about it until 2019? For some reason, it's come out of nowhere, all of a sudden there is a massive global media build-up, almost as if controlled, large sums of money involved.
No multi-year discussion to a breaking point, all of a sudden out of left field (literally), we have a climate emergency?
No-one, other than the numpties who do believe it, is buying it, it has never been a mainstream view, but now there is a massive push to make it so, with a multi-pronged attack by the globalists threatening businesses to comply or die and as a result people lose their jobs.
Hmmm, methinks the only mainstream adoption of the climate emergency will be by the billionaire investors, the elite, the MSM and rich hypocrites etc.
And when the citizenship do not adopt a minority view that is forced upon them, it leads to chaos, which it is already doing in various places around the planet.
Notice how the 4 deg rise in global temperature spouted by the useful idiot XR cultists chimes with Carney's dictat message to business, jeez there has to be some money to be made somewhere in this.